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  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 01:47 PM
    Fundthis! replied to a thread 7mo TIB Deal in Deal Bin
    We will look at file, send me an email. I ll send you iso agreement
    1 replies | 7 view(s) | |
  • whiterabbit's Avatar
    Today, 01:37 PM
    whiterabbit started a thread 7mo TIB Deal in Deal Bin
    Who can fund a deal, TIB is 7mo, LLC doing around 100K a month in business, balances decent, no negative days, 1-2 days low. The sell heavy equipment and auto parts, looking for inventory, credit 660.
    1 replies | 7 view(s)
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 01:30 PM
    abfunders replied to a thread 150k request in Deal Bin
    If MCA is the route you want to take him, if you have a CA license, try IOU (unless they're the 1st position already)
    3 replies | 39 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    Kevin Henry-Seacoast replied to a thread 150k request in Deal Bin
    What industry? Perhaps there are better options. If they are B2B invoicing 800K/Month they likely have 1Mil in receivables outstanding. That being said, even factoring the AR would be a LOT more cost effective, you look like a hero, and get paid. If they qualify....they could get a ledgered line.
    3 replies | 39 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    closer129 replied to a thread 150k request in Deal Bin
    Then in a few months he will be looking for an 18 month 3rd position,
    3 replies | 39 view(s) | |
  • Essential$$$'s Avatar
    Today, 01:06 PM
    Essential$$$ started a thread 150k request in Deal Bin
    Merchant does around 800k monthly average. CA based company, good time in business and good credit. Has a first with an A paper funder that he's been paying for more than 6 months (originally funded 18 month term). All around clean file. Looking for a 2nd position. I have a 12 month offer, he wants 18 months. Is there anyone that does 18 months as a second?
    3 replies | 39 view(s)
  • TheConfidentBroker's Avatar
    Today, 12:06 PM
    TheConfidentBroker replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    ... This is not a real Funding Company ... I can point it all out but it's so obvious. Also your phone number is attached to an X account for thiic_princess. Care to explain?
    10 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 11:49 AM
    Steven, welcome to the website club ;) Your website looks fine, but on a desktop at 100%, the words for "Our Services" don't fit in the boxes. They're fine at 80%.
    1 replies | 119 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Today, 11:28 AM
    I will if they have a good file and been in this country for a bit and has some roots. We cap the starter deals 3-5 months. If the merchant does not stack on us our renewals are a true add on which is a little like a line of credit. Feel free to reach out to me. Scott Platto 212-220-9872
    5 replies | 162 view(s) | |
  • kpeng's Avatar
    Today, 11:23 AM
    We (Elevate) can consider ITIN merchants. Email me please,
    5 replies | 162 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 11:20 AM
    Dave-This happened 2 weeks ago! Stop posting links to news articles. Post the article itself. This is how cyber attacks can happen!
    3 replies | 47 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 11:02 AM
    Yankeeman07 replied to a thread CDK Loss Huge! in Everything else
    MARKETS Published <time class="article-date__time article-date__time--published" style="box-sizing: border-box; --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-pan-x: ; --tw-pan-y: ; --tw-pinch-zoom: ; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-gradient-from-position: ; --tw-gradient-via-position: ; --tw-gradient-to-position: ; --tw-ordinal: ; --tw-slashed-zero: ; --tw-numeric-figure: ; --tw-numeric-spacing: ; --tw-numeric-fraction: ; --tw-ring-inset: ; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgb(59 130 246 / 0.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; --tw-blur: ; --tw-brightness: ; --tw-contrast: ; --tw-grayscale: ; --tw-hue-rotate: ; --tw-invert: ; --tw-saturate: ; --tw-sepia: ; --tw-drop-shadow: ; --tw-backdrop-blur: ; --tw-backdrop-brightness: ; --tw-backdrop-contrast: ; --tw-backdrop-grayscale: ; --tw-backdrop-hue-rotate: ; --tw-backdrop-invert: ; --tw-backdrop-opacity: ; --tw-backdrop-saturate: ; --tw-backdrop-sepia: ; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">July 2, 2024 6:00am EDT</time>
    3 replies | 47 view(s) | |
  • Esteban2000's Avatar
    Today, 11:01 AM
    I am pleased to announce that Hunter Consulting's new website has launched, with a new section for referrals to trusted partners for Funding, Cap Raises, Lead Generation, Call Centers, Compliance, Collections, and more! Check us out at: and let's do some business together!
    1 replies | 119 view(s)
  • JonathanHendrix's Avatar
    Today, 11:00 AM
    Mondial, That's no problem brother, I wasn't here to say you were necessarily wrong or evil. Most of my experience is in the MCA space, when I read that message I just wanted to share my insight on how it came across. I do very much appreciate the well written response & am glad to have the conversation! :rolleyes:
    5 replies | 127 view(s) | |
  • mondial99's Avatar
    Today, 10:47 AM
    Jonathan, My view is formed from my history of owning a FINRA B/D and doing 70 pubco financings as either principal or ibanker. When I did a financing as principal, due diligence was solely my responsibility. If someone or some registered firm brought me a deal, their responsibility began and ended with sourcing. If I made beaucoup bucks on that deal, the agent/introducing broker got none of it, cause they were never at risk as they were not putting money up nor were they involved in the underwriting process. Conversely, if I were the investment banker on a deal that went bad, I still got paid because my job was sourcing, not investing, and not due diligence. Now, theoretically, if I sourced a deal that quickly went bad, and I withheld information from the investor or was somehow involved in fraud on the part of the issuer/company/merchant, then I potentially have legal liability, and any fee I made would be subject to disgorgement as part of a regulatory and/or judicial process. That history informs my view of the ISO-funder relationship, which I know many in the MCA world don't subscribe to.
    5 replies | 127 view(s) | |
  • omegafund's Avatar
    Today, 10:29 AM
    omegafund replied to a thread PO financing in All Other Lending
    Most PO financing companies require a 3rd party manufacturer of the goods. You will definitely need to search around for someone who will finance a PO for a concrete company. And the PO finance company will want to someone to factor their invoices. So maybe better to see if they have AR available to factor. We have guys that will do construction AR. Ben
    3 replies | 71 view(s) | |
  • NeedmoreISOS's Avatar
    Today, 10:27 AM
    where does the merchant need to be on daily payment? & how many points are you trying to sell this at?
    5 replies | 127 view(s) | |
  • JonathanHendrix's Avatar
    Today, 10:23 AM
    Kinda weird to ask for Immediate payout with no clawback, It's a fair thing to have if the merchant defaults right away. Also, don't know if it was intentional but that line gives me the vibe your purposefully subbing guys who will have massive payment issues and all you care about is your money coming in.
    5 replies | 127 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 10:19 AM
    How about getting the client a line of credit? Otherwise, try Select Funding David, we should talk again, it's been a while
    5 replies | 127 view(s) | |
  • FACTORING#1's Avatar
    Today, 10:13 AM
    FACTORING#1 replied to a thread PO financing in All Other Lending
    Try Aurous -
    3 replies | 71 view(s) | |
  • mondial99's Avatar
    Today, 10:01 AM
    Is there a direct funder who can do a 1st position 60-day deal at a 111 buy rate with immediate payout to ISO and no clawback? Regards, David McCarthy, CEO McCarthy Merchant Capital LLC Main: (717) 622-2784
    5 replies | 127 view(s)
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 09:52 AM
    Old news!
    3 replies | 47 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 09:49 AM
    CDK Software Breach -
    3 replies | 47 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 09:28 AM
    Nice bonus. What terms do u offer, $ amounts, what're your sweet spots?
    2 replies | 65 view(s) | |
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Today, 09:13 AM
    Sign up today and get your deals funded!!
    2 replies | 65 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 09:02 AM
    Olderguy replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    Or the "bro's" that want to stack more than two positions on a client without looking at more financially feasible alternatives...
    10 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 08:02 AM
    Ahhhh.... I am more concerned about other types of "bros" that come on DF. -The Bro that got banned by a financial regulatory authority like FINRA or the SEC -The Bro or any Bro that helped someone defraud any financial institution. -The Bro the got disbarred or lost their accounting certs for financial issues -The Bro that lies to bank or the SBA to obtain loans or stimulus programs. Those "bros" we should all be more concerned about......
    10 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 02:05 AM
    Most funders are no better than the brokers or providers in the space. Stick to razor close relationships and you won’t have issues. Small circle wins every single time
    16 replies | 4256 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:31 PM
    Some people looking like total clowns on this thread. I wish someone would call me on 5x commissions to prove some shi$. I’d get paid or at least drag someone thru the mud. Crickets tho 🤡
    48 replies | 1878 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:30 PM
    CFG has funders. Elevate as well
    5 replies | 162 view(s) | |
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