They are already talking about a 4th stimulus package.

After Three Coronavirus Stimulus Packages, Congress Is Already Prepping Phase Four

$2 trillion wasn’t enough: Lawmakers already eyeing another coronavirus response bill

McConnell hits brakes on next economic stimulus package

I find my self sitting in my hammock think about all kinds of things now..

With these unprecedented spending packages does the Federal Reserve have to ramp up paper money production to volumes that they have only conceptualized in theory?

How much inventory of the raw goods required to manufacture paper money is stocked?

With the changing times due to the virus, I wonder what the CDC says about the cleanliness of circulated cash money. Will this pandemic spur a faster switch to a paperless system?

How do you all feel about guaranteed minimum income? Isn't that sort of what is happening now with all the stimulus checks, grants, and debt forgiveness policies?

Also as a small business owner, what lessons can be learned, and what business theory can be adopt from what I see going on. What would it mean for my business if I operated through a lens that looked at currency as resource that is unlimited? We have all heard the quote "it's not about the money". What we are going through now really shows us that.. If we don't have it, the Government will just create it out of thin air and give it to you.


On a lighter note...

My currently closed business also included an onsite Photo Studio out of the need to produce imagery for our marketing. I guess you could also say I am a Professional Photographer, because other business do pay me to produce images for them as well. With that being said, I have tons of camera equipment, and I decided to bring some of it home with me. With so much focus on $'s, I decided to photograph a sheet of uncut currency I bought from the Federal Reserve when I went on a tour of the facility back in 2004. (Link to law regarding photographing US Currency)

Also, while sitting in my hammock I noticed this Wasp building a nest above my back door. Normally I would have knocked it down, but I instead decided to photograph it.
