Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated. Just a couple of quick follow up notes or questions. I don't think merchant maverick did the review in a vacuum. Considering how many other companies they have reviews on, and the level of research they did, i would think they are more qualified to make those statements....unless they are an unbiased reviewer with relationships that are unknown to outsiders.

What I take away from your points is that LoanMe will fund high risk deals. Does that mean at a certain risk level you can make things less transparent? If anything, doesn't a higher origination fee make it less risky for LoanMe by pushing less money out the door? For the poor credit or risky customer you have in your example and in the link you provided (Tier D), 32% origination fee just seems outrageous. From reviews like merchant maverick and the better business bureau, there just seems to be a higher amount of frustrated customers and feedback that leads me to think otherwise. I appreciate your feedback.