Quote Originally Posted by SCCNY View Post
Hi LeadForesicsGuy, your service actually does seem like it could be valuable. I did some research and found another company that directly advertises on their homepage that they offer similar services at a fraction of the price called whoisvisiting.com. What differentiates your product from them to account for the steep price difference?
Great Question SCCNY !

Yeah The technology is new however we aren't the only company that offers it. However we are the best. I hear the sarcasm creeping up. but no seriously! We are the pioneers in the industry so we have exclusive rights to databases and products that other companies can't get.

I specialize in the Alternative Finance space because of my background in it and its is somewhat new in our industry however like I mentioned we have clients in a number of industries. I can go ahead and confirm Scott over at OptiConversion was a client of ours before he started his own firm .

When we do talk to other industries who use competitors we do a side by side comparison during their free trial. Every single time we beat the completion with accuracy as well and quantity of data IE. Phone Numbers, Contact Names, Social Media Profiles. so on and so forth.

Let me explain a little more. I actually did a comparison against Whoisvisiting about a month ago. It was a CPA who used them. When we did the comparisons at the end of the 7 days We had 15 more business hits that Whoisvisiting and one of the prospects that did fill out the contact form for the CPA didn't even show up on Whoisvisiting's software. They showed up on our software 3 minutes before the guy ever filled out the form. That type of stuff happens often. Sometimes Prospects will fill in bogus info just to claim an offer or because they might be nervous of getting declined. I will share a link of a post I did of a similar situation.

Click here to see the post -->http://dailyfunder.com/showthread.ph...Check-this-out

But it all boils down to quality. SCCNY. You get what you pay for. and just because they are cheaper doesn't mean its always the better choice. but sometimes it is. I understand sometimes business owners need to watch the bottom line I get it! That is completely fine I would hate to put someone into a situation they are uncomfortable with just to close a deal. However if you look at the amount of new pipeline and revenue we make you vs the cost of the software the investment is a no brainier.

Thanks again. great question !