Quote Originally Posted by seanlarson64 View Post
Ahh... now it makes sense why you were trolling me via email and why i had to use harsh language to tell you off. You're one of the lead providers I'm denouncing in my headline :-O. I'm not trying to take any business from you bro. No hard feelings. People are just tired of dead leads that go nowhere.

Also, nadia is a lead provider too. Notice how everyone hating on this are lead providers. *gasp*
Trolling you via email? You e-mailed me. I responded and asked to unsubscribe 3x. You're on the forum for less than 24 hours you happened to attack everyone on the thread and result to cursing at me on an email as if me unsubscribing wasn't giving you the message. You already have an alias by using (2) different last names. Competition is inevitable. You're not that. You're a punk with unoriginal ideas trying to bulldoze your way in here with an amateur made video. Its people like you that disregard forum etiquette and interrupts the user experience.