Trade Show Wolf Pack Results
Mostly A’s - You are behaving and carrying out your task as an Exhibitor/Sponsor/ or Speaker should. It is your main goal to attract new business and maintain old. You understand that your actions will reflect on your company and which could potentially cost you future relationships and deals.
Mostly B’s- Your behavior is indicative of someone who is an Attendee or Student. Your main focus is to learn of new products or gain new understanding of your market and the people who operate in it, while enjoying your time in a new city and away from your normal routine.
Mostly C’s- You should of just stayed home. In reality, your goal set or agenda for attending the show is not in line with having a productive outcome.
After reviewing the scenarios and (key point here) answering them honestly, you find that you are not in the classification that you want to be then maybe it is time to adjust your behavior accordingly. Below are some tips for how to behave in a manner that is conducive to reaching your goals for trade shows.
For Exhibitors:
It is customary to make sure that someone is at your booth when the show floor is open.
Make sure you smile and greet everyone. People like to feel valued and memorable, so while you may not remember meeting them at previous shows or the night before, they may, and it could hurt future relationships if you come across as neglectful to your previous introductions.
During open bar keep your alcohol consumption to a tolerable level. (2 to 3 drink max)
Do not bad mouth competitors or speak wrongly of other sensitive matters in the industry.
If you are treating a partner or potential partner to dinner, allow them to choose the selection for dinner but control the conversation at dinner and the amount of alcohol consumed.
While attending functions outside of the exhibit hall but still in connection with the show or with your partners, it is not wise to let “Hank the Tank” or any of your college days personas) out. Save that for a friend’s weekend in Vegas.
For Attendees
Make sure you have a list of the exhibitors you already know you want to see and when you are pulled into a booth that does not have a product you need or want, kindly let the exhibitor finish the elevator pitch and then kindly respond with a “no thank you” or “I don’t see a partnership here”. Their time is as valuable as yours.
Attend sessions that have importance to you. If it is not a subject you want to listen to don’t be a distraction by typing on your tablet or smartphone during the panel’s discussion.
Make sure to schedule all your tourist events after the trade shows hours.
If you are given the choice to choose the dinner location with a business partner (who you know is paying) do not look for the most expensive restaurant that yelp can find. Find a favorable cuisine for all parties.
You don’t want to be that person that keeps popping in and out of booths to grab the cool swag that is on display. Keep the swag swiping to a minimum. It is hard to have a serious conversation with a company that you are interested in with over 20 pieces of swag falling out of your arms.
For “That Guy”:
When you do make it to the exhibit floor make sure you smell of clean soap and not of last night’s alcohol, or for that matter this morning’s bloodymary.
The show floor is not a place to pick up tonight’s hook up or to make any passes at the opposite sex, at least during the show hours.
To go to my previous suggestion, it is not a time to put all goodies on display or dress inappropriately either. You should always dress business casual at the minimum.
There are jokes that come from good humor and amusement and then there are jokes that should be left in a bar and to never see the light of the trade show floor. If you are going to tell jokes, please do not make them offensive or crude.
Trade shows are like a “Mullet”, business in the front, party in the back. Just keep in mind that the open hours of the show are to be for business purposes and you should always maintain a professional decorum. If you really want to let loose in Vegas leave some time for personal adventures and debauchery for after the show ends. Remember these are all suggestions and to be taken in good humor and not the preaching of a prude, just someone who wants you to be successful and not fall flat on your face in front of your peers. As always if you have any questions please feel free to email me at
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