The Trade Show Test
The time is 9:50 am and the exhibit hall opens at 10:00. You are:
A. Putting the finishing touches on your booth and taking pictures with your team to send back to those stuck in the office.
B. In line to start the registration process while glancing back at the Starbucks line getting longer by the second
C. Rolling over to the right side of the bed to hit the snooze button for the 3rd time.
It is opening reception and the bar is open with free alcohol. You find yourself:
A. Maybe having time to make it to the bar to grab a drink as you are too busy talking.
B. Less apprehensive with starting a conversation with those around you and exhibitors due to the 3 or 4 drinks you have consumed.
C. Have visited every bar that is serving (as you can’t revisit the other bars because you didn’t leave a tip) and have now moved on to the exhibitors with alcohol in their booths.
At 2 am on the first night of the trade show you are in the following location:
A. In bed as the floor opens at 10:00 AM the next morning.
B. Just getting in from getting your first glance at the host city.
C. The party is just getting started. You still have those dollar bills you hoarded from bartenders at the opening reception.
It is 25 minutes into one of the free seminars you decided to attend, You:
A. Are attentive, taking notes and finding ways to incorporate what you’re learning to help grow your business
B. Just spilled coffee on your shirt and wished you grabbed the donut versus the dry cookies
C. Are looking around suspiciously because you were just awaken from nodding off due to all the comp drinks you had last night after losing so much money at the poker table.
You are at the closing reception/after party. You spend the majority of your time:
A. The buffet line for the second time because you didn’t eat all day. The food provided during the show was not substantial enough and you did not have time to break away for a real meal.
B. In awe of the extravagant state of the night and how the specialty drink of the evening taste just like fruit punch so you are on your 4th …oh wait maybe it is your 5th or 6th.
C. There is an after party?
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