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  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    Olderguy replied to a thread Medical / 8m in ar in Deal Bin
    Siena Healthcare Finance too
    4 replies | 26 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    3 Days Left to Fund Time to MAXX out people, these merchants are waiting for you to get on the phone with them. Just a few good men is all we need, and ladies as well, if you have a face for radio. Aged to Real Time - Online, offline, we'll even have merchants pick you up at the office. From well known established, to how did I get in this industry Isos... we take them all, but if you come at us with a $43.27 budget, we enroll you into the merchant widow dating program. (816) 205-8268 Come to us, before we come to you.
    1 replies | 38 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 01:09 PM
    eCapital or SLR Healthcare If they are renting are they pre-billing? Pre-Billing is difficult to finance.
    4 replies | 26 view(s) | |
  • MovingMoney's Avatar
    Today, 01:06 PM
    here is the deal, people pay 35% - 40% that's ok that's normal When you do 50%, in my experience it does wonders, it works out for everybody. Make that extra incentive and see if it was worth going that extra mile...
    12 replies | 976 view(s) | |
  • Michael I's Avatar
    Today, 01:01 PM
    i dont think they put up all deals that they do
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Today, 12:59 PM
    Cheers right back in your fun loving face, chubby. I did release 2 members of today, but that's what happens when Isos complain...... heads roll..., down the stairs. The only good Iso is a closing Iso, and if you're not closing our stuff, we're closing the door on someone's fingers, as they're escorted out of the office.
    49 replies | 92383 view(s) | |
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 12:57 PM
    If the website is legit, so 11 funded deals total for under $500,000 in the entire month of June? Thats it?
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • MovingMoney's Avatar
    Today, 12:55 PM
    The short Answer is, stay far away from those funders, its not worth the lies, deception, and aggravation. Really good advice!
    7 replies | 485 view(s) | |
  • Jhowen19's Avatar
    Today, 12:48 PM
    Jhowen19 replied to a thread Medical / 8m in ar in Deal Bin
    We are talking now, glad to hear the name going around; seems likes they are known & legit. Looking for alternatives just in case.
    4 replies | 26 view(s) | |
  • HeatherF's Avatar
    Today, 12:44 PM
    Paul- i have a merchant who says they have been trying to get a hold of you- and my team and I have been emailing and calling about the shared merchant with no response- when are you available to discuss? Heather Francis CEO Elevate Funding
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 12:24 PM
    Olderguy replied to a thread Medical / 8m in ar in Deal Bin
    Have you talked to Alleon?
    4 replies | 26 view(s) | |
  • Jhowen19's Avatar
    Today, 12:01 PM
    Jhowen19 started a thread Medical / 8m in ar in Deal Bin
    Have a company who gets paid by Medicare &medicade so they cant do regular factoring. They have 8M in ar & would like to get a loc or something attached to it. He rents oxygen,beds,wheelchairs. 10k Patients. Does anybody have any suggestions for who to go to in this scenario? Email -
    4 replies | 26 view(s)
  • Finance Guru's Avatar
    Today, 11:56 AM
    Feel free to be real and reach out to me for more information to get your deals FUNDED with Merchant Marketplace. Thank you for bringing this thread back up to the top. We are currently giving Bonus Points to all our ISO/Broker partners funding deals with us this month. BOOM! Let's get FUNDING! Submit all deals to: Thank you:)
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Today, 11:42 AM
    I have had that issue in the past and they did not tell me who the funder or bank was that filed the ucc.
    2 replies | 115 view(s) | |
  • Tom Aronov's Avatar
    Today, 11:28 AM
    Send it over to us at Throttle Funding we'll take a look at what can be done
    8 replies | 253 view(s) | |
  • Tom Aronov's Avatar
    Today, 11:26 AM
    We can take a look at it for you we fund California Reverses. Throttle Funding
    8 replies | 236 view(s) | |
  • funderca's Avatar
    Today, 11:00 AM
    Arena Funding will do a Cali reverse.
    8 replies | 236 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 10:00 AM
    I have never heard one negative about him. The only bad thing ive heard was from iso reps and funders complaining of him being a hard guy to negotiate with (deqms, iso agreements). They all want his business.
    38 replies | 15522 view(s) | |
  • TheConfidentBroker's Avatar
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 09:50 AM
    They're doing 40 week 4th positions. Is this ****ing real?
    21 replies | 3408 view(s) | |
  • TheConfidentBroker's Avatar
    Today, 09:48 AM
    WHOA... what year is it? I got excited. I wish it was 2014 again... imagine all of our complaints 10 years ago can't add up to 2024 problems. For someone to revive a 10 year old post of UCS is funny... Capital Stack telling Jared keep doing great things... fun times.
    38 replies | 15522 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 09:26 AM
    Michael, you're correct. Banks like giving money to people who don't need money. The score is just a metric. The best way to increase your creditworthiness is to have multiple credit cards with high balances. One card at $20,000 won't do nearly as much as one $10,000, one $5,000 and two $2500 cards. (Although you do want to have at least one card with a very high limit!) However, the trick is to use them wisely. Try to stay below 20% usage on all cards individually as well as collectively. Have all of your credit cards on autopay (ideally 7 days before the due date), so that you never miss a payment. Use your debit card or pay off the cards early (before the CLOSING date, that's different than the due date) so that the usage won't reflect on your credit report if you need to spend more. One or two term loans with good payment history will round it out. If you're new, get a few $1000 cards. Put $100 per month on each card. In 12 months, apply for another card or two, get a $5000 limit. Same thing. After 5 years, your scores will be fantastic and you'll qualify for the best rates for mortgages and cars. Don't apply for credit that you don't need or want to build your credit history. Each inquiry is a "negative" in the eyes of banks - you're shopping. Rewards are very important, because if you don't have them, the banks will just pocket them, but you're getting charged the same amount by the stores. You have to have discipline, specifically not to spend beyond your means, because the shiny plastic is really cool to flash at the restaurant that you can't afford but want to impress someone by saying "I'll cover the tab." Debt is important, because inflation builds in the credit card fees and the fact that you "can always take a loan." Most people don't use it correctly, hence you have a lot of 590 FICOs with MCAs. If you build the credit nicely, and if you're a business owner, then you can get a true business LOC and you simultaneously teach yourself how to balance yourself, and utilize credit appropriately, and you won't need 3rd tier failing MCA bait and switch brokers who promise you a LOC that you already have.
    4 replies | 83 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 08:56 AM
    If this fails, go to bmf. They'll stack a side account for you. Doubt itll be 85k. My first time stacking a side reverse w em, we did 30 days 40k, and we refinanced for 150k 65 or 70 days. They'll pay commission too. Other guys doing these side account stacks are usually such low lives They'll rip your commission.
    8 replies | 236 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 08:54 AM
    If the balances meet their guidelines, if i were you, id fund em each at gfe throttle and arena funding. If u submit them all to one funder they make think there's too much bs going on. These guys would give the best savings w/ the lowest rates.
    8 replies | 253 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 08:48 AM
    Dont mind him. Hes a zesty gay older man.
    4 replies | 83 view(s) | |
  • MichaelMorgan's Avatar
    Today, 08:38 AM
    Oh, I think I have posted in the wrong discussion. Actually, I saw this mentioned below the title of this forum: 'Discuss electronic payments, mobile payments, credit card processing, and all related technology.' It mentions credit cards, so I thought my question would fall into this category.
    4 replies | 83 view(s) | |
  • channin19's Avatar
    Today, 08:19 AM
    Blast from the past looking at some of the participants in this 10 year old thread. Some of you were still in middle school.
    38 replies | 15522 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 08:18 AM
    What does your post have in connection with Payment Processing?
    4 replies | 83 view(s) | |
  • MichaelMorgan's Avatar
    Today, 08:16 AM
    I'm trying to figure out the best approach to managing my finances and I've heard mixed advice on credit cards. Some people say having multiple cards helps with credit scores and offers more benefits, while others warn about the risks of debt and overspending. Currently, I only have one credit card but I’m considering getting another for the rewards and credit-building potential. How many credit cards do you guys have and how do you manage them effectively?
    4 replies | 83 view(s)
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:05 PM
    Jared a wannabe funder for sure, but he just a broker. I know of a few shady little things he has done to a few shops in the past to try to get information but liar and deceiver are good words to use
    38 replies | 15522 view(s) | |
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