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  • mcaconsultant's Avatar
    Today, 04:24 PM
    I appreciate the transparency and accountability. I've used Centrex Software for over 7 years and have seen the dedication that the team puts into both their tech's security as well as the integrity of the Centrex team to know that my data is always safe. The largest tech companies in the world have data breaches. It's been refreshing to see how the Centrex team has prioritized making sure that the vulnerability was fixed as quickly as possible and for taking such accountability.
    2 replies | 302 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 04:13 PM
    send you message...
    1 replies | 18 view(s) | |
  • Funds4u's Avatar
    Today, 03:59 PM
    trump convicted on 34 counts of what was at worst a misdimeanor bookeeping error 4 years after statute of limitations expired although nobody has said how else a payment to a lawyer should be listed other than legal fee as it was listed. And a felony of apparently influencing an election added although the actually felony was never said by the prosecutor, it was just assumed trump did some felony he was covering up by stating a legal fee was a legal fee. Hillary Clinton pays for a fake dossier which was absolutly intended to influence an election and proven to be fake and nothing happens... It all sounds pretty fair to me..
    40 replies | 1672 view(s) | |
  • Joseph BT16's Avatar
    Today, 03:39 PM
    Still up and running ?
    2 replies | 1097 view(s) | |
  • Joseph BT16's Avatar
    Today, 03:38 PM
    Hello Everyone I'm looking for a platform that will let me do Blast texting for MCA Anyone have any suggestions or what I should do?
    0 replies | 22 view(s)
  • llhjr5's Avatar
    Today, 03:30 PM
    Our company was established in 2018. We are looking for AR Funding. We have $500k in AR that are coming due in the next 2-3 months. Our monthly deposits are up and down due to our pay model. Clients can choose to pay us up front and pay a lower fee for our services or they can choose to defer the fee and pay us later. We have signed agreements with all clients. Our clients are not businesses, they are individual 1099 contract workers. Over the past 5 Months most of our clients chose the deferred payment option so our deposits are as follows over the past few months. $12k, $59k, $53k, $23k, $8k, $24k.---- We are wanting a loan based on our AR of $500k, not a loan based on our last 5 months bank statements. If you are someone who can do this or has contacts please email me at ---let me know what you think you can do as we as your contact information and me and my partner will contact you asap. Thanks so much
    1 replies | 18 view(s)
  • Michael I's Avatar
    Today, 03:11 PM
    still has value but defiantly declined over the last 2 years
    2 replies | 58 view(s) | |
  • MaximumCash's Avatar
    Today, 03:10 PM
    Do you do ISO deals?
    3 replies | 349 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 02:40 PM
    I think it has some value, but yeah a couple guys just sit on here that cant generate business for sure.
    2 replies | 58 view(s) | |
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    Today, 02:26 PM
    Top reps - where are we sitting at for the year ? Anyone brave enough to share units / revenue / volume year to date?
    0 replies | 160 view(s)
  • goatFunding's Avatar
    Today, 02:23 PM
    No skin in the game here. But I have seen Jaffe Capital in statements many times... could be a white label.. no idea
    40 replies | 7889 view(s) | |
  • ridextreme's Avatar
    Today, 02:12 PM
    I believe RRN more than all the fact checkers and Wikipedia, but that's just me. Only time will tell (about 5 months).
    40 replies | 1672 view(s) | |
  • brokerCompany's Avatar
    Today, 02:09 PM
    Anyone else see this daily funder not worth much. All you have is the older guy spamming and more scammers on this site.
    2 replies | 58 view(s)
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 01:01 PM
    Thank you for the info You are not alone -
    2 replies | 302 view(s) | |
  • josh_elevated's Avatar
    2 replies | 600 view(s) | |
  • vr0's Avatar
    Today, 12:42 PM
    I fund several deals a month with Foretrust. They come in strong. Mike always makes it happen for me. They spanish deals too
    40 replies | 7889 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 12:37 PM
    Source: Real Raw News Believing "Real Raw News" goes together with people who get drawn after every word a man who says "I'm a very innocent man" Take EVERYTHING with a dose of skepticism. Just like the merchants who say their credit is 700+ and their cash-flow is great and then immediately say "I don't want to send over an app or bank statements until you can provide me a term sheet. I'm a busy person."
    40 replies | 1672 view(s) | |
  • Yonah E's Avatar
    Today, 12:30 PM
    I highly recommend Splash Advance
    6 replies | 292 view(s) | |
  • ridextreme's Avatar
    Today, 12:27 PM
    I wonder if this story is true. I wouldn't put this past the corrupt "never trumpers" in NY. If true it would mean every juror involved could be arrested for treason (along with Bragg, the judge, and everyone else who's involved in election interference). Sources at JAG: They have proof that Bragg, Hoffinger, her immediate boss Joshua Steinglass, and the entire D.A.’s office interviewed prospective jurors prior to the selection and elimination process—an illegal and unethical act. They instructed those with a foaming hatred for President Trump to downplay their animus and act impartial, so Trump’s legal team wouldn’t move to exclude them. In the end, Trump faced a stacked jury, bursting with Clinton and Biden voters whose anti-Trump social media pages Hoffinger had scrubbed or sanitized long before Trump’s lawyers looked them in the eyes.
    40 replies | 1672 view(s) | |
  • treymarkel's Avatar
    Today, 12:06 PM
    DailyFunder Community, I have always maintained transparency in all my posts about Centrex Software and our service to the alternative corporate finance community. We are dedicated advocates of the entire corporate finance space and operate our business with the utmost integrity. We deeply value our relationships with each of our clients, vendors, and partners. We want you to hear from us directly before any false rumors or claims circulate within the industry. On May 21, 2024, Centrex Software became aware of a vulnerability within our service provider's system that was exploited by an unidentified, unauthorized party, potentially allowing access to client documents stored in our service provider's systems. We immediately worked with our service provider as they launched their incident response protocol to investigate the incident’s details, including to identify the responsible party, confirm the root cause, and verify the type of data that may be involved. They were able to successfully resolve the vulnerability by 5:45pm CST on May 21, 2024. Currently, our team is focused on a comprehensive analysis to ensure we understand the full scope and nature of the incident. This analysis is augmented by external cybersecurity specialists at Kroll, SureFire Cyber, and our outside counsel. The FBI has been notified of this incident and we are making progress in determining who may be responsible for these actions. We fully intend to prosecute those involved in this egregious act. While the immediate security concern has been addressed, we are taking steps to prevent future occurrences. We will share additional information as it becomes available, including any updates from law enforcement, and we will provide guidance on our customer and consumer notification process once our investigation is complete. We will update the following FAQ with new information as it becomes available. What was the issue identified? We identified that code in a legacy client portal exposed a vulnerability in which an unauthorized third-party exploited client documents. It was discovered and patched on May 21, 2024. We are working closely with our cybersecurity specialists to confirm these details. Why am I just being notified now on June 3rd 2024? Our service provider's incident response protocol is a strict process and takes time to make sure Centrex Software customers are aware of the facts. Was this ransomware? No, this is not a ransomware incident. Who is your service provider? Set Forth, Inc. (“Forth”) provides the intellectual property and maintenance services for the Centrex Software platform. We are working closely with them to investigate this incident. How did Centrex respond? We engaged legal counsel and cyber forensics quickly upon discovery in accordance with our policies. We preserved all available logs for analysis, as well as requesting logs from our third-party providers. What information was involved? Our investigation into the incident remains ongoing. Once the investigation is complete, and if our review determines any customer or personal information is involved, we will notify the appropriate parties in accordance with our legal obligations and state and Federal law. We understand the importance of this information and will ensure that this process is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Who can we contact if we have more questions? All questions concerning the incident should be submitted to We will respond to each question as soon as we can and appreciate your patience and understanding through this process. We work hard every day to provide our clients a secure, reliable system, and to operate our business with the utmost integrity and transparency. We welcome any questions or comments you may have, and we remain committed to delivering on our promises to you. Kind Regards, Trey Markel VP Sales & Marketing (888) 622-5810
    2 replies | 302 view(s)
  • Shorebird's Avatar
    Today, 12:04 PM
    ROK is a GREAT super broker.
    6 replies | 292 view(s) | |
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 12:01 PM
    The judge only donated to the Biden Campaign (small dollars) and his daughter only works for the Democratic party. I am sure if the judge donated to 'Trump 2024 Campaign' , then it would of been a huge deal but donate to the Biden Campaign? Daughter works for the Demoractic party, One of the prosecutors was Bidens number 3 or 4 guy a few years ago but now part of the trial, nothing to see here. Was All legit and fair.... Was only a dead misdemeanor which was way past the statute of limitations and somehow revived and tied to multiple felonies somehow. all perfectly normal for something that happened in 2016 to come up in 2024.
    40 replies | 1672 view(s) | |
  • MattNBC's Avatar
    Today, 11:46 AM
    Sent you a message
    6 replies | 292 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 11:18 AM
    Also if you PM with your email, I can send you everything you need to prove we are direct
    40 replies | 7889 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 11:17 AM
    We do MCA's but have done hard money
    40 replies | 7889 view(s) | |
  • admin's Avatar
    Today, 11:13 AM
    Let's get down to the nuts and bolts. Are you doing loans or MCAs, because you keep saying lending and if that's the case there are a lot more questions coming your way.
    40 replies | 7889 view(s) | |
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