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  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 07:51 PM
    So hold on a minute....I assume the purchase includes the land and a structure....or is it just land where he parks the cars? If it has a structure, what is the appraised value...same if it's land......if the selling price is below the appraised value, and if we can appraise as commercial, then you could do 90% CLTV and the seller carry back can be throw away so all they merchant needs is $50K plus fees. But more than likely it's a land deal and that's 50% LTV....use a appraised value vs. separated negotiated sale with the kids. Might squeeze more or maybe some seller carry back. NoDoc loan - financials not needed. I just need more information....reach out...
    2 replies | 17 view(s) | |
  • levcap's Avatar
    Today, 07:39 PM
    Happy to tell you what actually happened. Phone is always the best.
    9 replies | 1382 view(s) | |
  • JCap's Avatar
    Today, 07:20 PM
    JCap replied to a thread Enablment data? in Merchant Cash Advance
    Leads are timing and luck. That's the bottom line. With that said, Enablement Data and Lexicon Data are only 2 vendors that worked for our shop.
    4 replies | 412 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:19 PM
    Moshe, you must be an employee @ fundkite? I gotta tell ya Karen probably out funds you. She seemed crazy but I heard she was pumping out big numbers. You should go work for her. She'll treat you well. She might be hiring. It was novus capital in Florida, right, Moshe?
    53 replies | 4045 view(s) | |
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    Today, 07:16 PM
    bitty doesnt fund deals like that with bad credit anymore however i cant stand them they backdoor 100% , and their how process is just very annoying
    3 replies | 46 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:15 PM
    Chambo, i thought you were on the funder side? How would you know how he rocks with his brokers? This guy posted a screenshot too. Do you and Levi go way back? Does he watch you smash his wife from the closet?
    9 replies | 1382 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:11 PM
    Appfundingbeta would do this deal for you.
    2 replies | 43 view(s) | |
  • Richr7az's Avatar
    Today, 07:11 PM
    I have a client who is a provider of non medical home care (i.e. respite care, light housekeeping for seniors, companion services for seniors, personal care for seniors, etc). Bank statements have average revenue deposits of about $650k per month. Avarage bank balance is about $70k. Client is just finishing up with a 40 week $100k MCA from Bitty. Still owes about $14k. looking for about $175k. Company is behind on their financials and 2023 tax return is on extension. Anyone willing to look at this without stips for tax return and financials. let me know Rich Rose Rainstar Capital Group rich@rainstarcapitalgroup. 602 309-1007
    0 replies | 17 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:10 PM
    David, I think he's looking for funders. You're a broker. Imo to any issue looking to cobroker go to rok / splash / lendio as they have good reputations and something to lose, rather then a 1 man ceo running his company from an apartment.
    12 replies | 379 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:09 PM
    If bitty funded it, efinancial and capybara have given me light stips on 150k before, they'll approve it if bitty approved it. It must be a very shirty deal for you to fund it at bitty if you were the one who got him the 1st. Poor guy. He should've shopped around.
    3 replies | 46 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:06 PM
    Why would you send a clean restaurant deal there? Did they give you a 12 month 1.15 br?
    1 replies | 45 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:03 PM
    Greenbox Libertas Wall Street funding Samson
    2 replies | 17 view(s) | |
  • VersaBusinessSystems's Avatar
    Today, 06:53 PM
    Who can do this deal? Needs to be 12 months or longer. Merchant needs 400k to purchase the land his building is on the landlord died and the kids are liquidating for a steal at only 400k. Merchant has been paying 3600 a month rent for 9 years. Dealership down the street including a small building sold for 1.5m so def worth it. Merchant has a rental property with 170k equity and a home he just bought 6 months ago put 50% down $500k which he never would have done had he known he was gonna be able to buy his land that the landlord said he would never sell. I have all docs tax returns p&l bank statements app, credit reports you name it. Who can help me get this deal done? A 3% success fee has been agreed if we go through a bank but would rather just get something like 24 month term or interest only payments and in a year he can convert over to a commercial mortgage. They just wont approve another mortgage due to the recent home purchase and he already has another mortgage on rental property but that one makes a profit every month on airbnb
    2 replies | 17 view(s)
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    Today, 06:49 PM
    If credit is decent kaptius,ondeck, IOU on the B side LG, ECG, fintap, fundworks
    3 replies | 46 view(s) | |
  • VersaBusinessSystems's Avatar
    Today, 06:47 PM
    BUSINESS OWNERS AND FUNDING BROKERS BEWARE OF Axiom funding and Flagler Advance as well as AARON CROUTER! Not only do they steal from your merchants CHARGING TRIPLE PAYMENTS they also don’t pay the partners that brought them the deal and make up lies to hold back commissions (feel free to request screen shots I'm happy to send them) STAY FAR AWAY from these companies that are partnered with each other! I’ll give you the full run down. A friend of mine owns 2 very successful restaurants decided to get funding to add a rooftop to one of them. Axiom/Flagler gave a $200k offer but had so much back and forth sending new docs and all these phone calls and extra stips wanted the merchants decided to borrow a small loan for each location just incase just to cover the first traunch they had to pay the contractor the next day. These locations mind you are doing well over a half million a month as is with great balances they also own multiple other successful businesses from law firms to coffee shops, real estate company etc. Anyways Axiom and Flagler on Monday without saying a word to the merchant or asking for permission login to the merchants bank account, even accounts that had nothing to do with the deal and decided since they took a small loan for each location they were going to change the offer. NO BIG DEAL. I sent Aaron Crouter the lender names amounts and even the contracts so they had the info to make a new offer. Not only did they lower the amount to 150k, they dropped the term and increased the rate significantly. Ok whatever it’s gonna double the merchants revenue and they can afford it so all good. Then they decide just because they can they are going to cut my commission by 30% smh. Whatever no big deal the docs were already in the merchants hands and the merchant liked the one guy jimmy. WHY LENDERS AND BROKERS SHOULD STAY CLEAR: Well during all this back and forth another lender gives me the same offer but with full commission and they pay commission next day. I ask axiom when they pay commission and they said Friday. So we decide to Fund the deal and all was supposed to be good! Friday rolls around and no commission was paid. So I ask this douche of a guy Aaron Crouter who has bounced around to just about every lending company there is because he’s the most unprofessional jerk in the game starts screaming at me over the phone like I’m his child and just got all F’s on my report card talking about we stacked them and this and that so they aren’t paying me until the loan is paid off blah blah blah. This was Not true at all. I even got a month to date from the merchant and no more money was taken, all lies! I sent them all the documents and month to dates showing they weren’t stacked and that they were actually overcharging the merchant 3 times what the payment was supposed to be and they still refuse to pay the commission. HERE IS WHY BUSINESS OWNERS NEED TO STAY CLEAR: I also notice that not only did they take a payment almost double what they were supposed too 2 days in a row they also took an extra payment out of the second account!! So I let them know I don’t take kindly to theft, they need to fix it and pay me as well and they that they didn’t have to do the deal they chose too and that we could have just funded the same deal elsewhere, I even sent the offer to them to be transparent. I let them know both on Friday and again on Monday if I did not get the $10,500 I was owed by the end of the day on Monday that I would have no choice but to let my massive network of lenders brokers and business owners know how they operate and do a massive PR news article blast about my experience with these 2 companies. I even got my attorney involved. None of this matters to them so they clearly never had any intention of paying the commission or refunding the merchant. Well here we are not only have they still charged the client almost triple what they are contracted for but I am out $10,500 still. These guys think they can do whatever they want so make sure you let everyone you care about know how Axiom Funding and Flagler Advance Operate so they don’t get burned also! (feel free to request screen shots im happy to send them, i have everything which was submitted to my attorney i also sent them all again to axiom and flagler and they refuse to pay the commissions which are now 3 days late from when they were promised)!!
    0 replies | 11 view(s)
  • VersaBusinessSystems's Avatar
    Today, 06:47 PM
    BUSINESS OWNERS AND FUNDING BROKERS BEWARE OF Axiom funding and Flagler Advance as well as AARON CROUTER! Not only do they steal from your merchants CHARGING TRIPLE PAYMENTS they also don’t pay the partners that brought them the deal and make up lies to hold back commissions (feel free to request screen shots I'm happy to send them) STAY FAR AWAY from these companies that are partnered with each other! I’ll give you the full run down. A friend of mine owns 2 very successful restaurants decided to get funding to add a rooftop to one of them. Axiom/Flagler gave a $200k offer but had so much back and forth sending new docs and all these phone calls and extra stips wanted the merchants decided to borrow a small loan for each location just incase just to cover the first traunch they had to pay the contractor the next day. These locations mind you are doing well over a half million a month as is with great balances they also own multiple other successful businesses from law firms to coffee shops, real estate company etc. Anyways Axiom and Flagler on Monday without saying a word to the merchant or asking for permission login to the merchants bank account, even accounts that had nothing to do with the deal and decided since they took a small loan for each location they were going to change the offer. NO BIG DEAL. I sent Aaron Crouter the lender names amounts and even the contracts so they had the info to make a new offer. Not only did they lower the amount to 150k, they dropped the term and increased the rate significantly. Ok whatever it’s gonna double the merchants revenue and they can afford it so all good. Then they decide just because they can they are going to cut my commission by 30% smh. Whatever no big deal the docs were already in the merchants hands and the merchant liked the one guy jimmy. WHY LENDERS AND BROKERS SHOULD STAY CLEAR: Well during all this back and forth another lender gives me the same offer but with full commission and they pay commission next day. I ask axiom when they pay commission and they said Friday. So we decide to Fund the deal and all was supposed to be good! Friday rolls around and no commission was paid. So I ask this douche of a guy Aaron Crouter who has bounced around to just about every lending company there is because he’s the most unprofessional jerk in the game starts screaming at me over the phone like I’m his child and just got all F’s on my report card talking about we stacked them and this and that so they aren’t paying me until the loan is paid off blah blah blah. This was Not true at all. I even got a month to date from the merchant and no more money was taken, all lies! I sent them all the documents and month to dates showing they weren’t stacked and that they were actually overcharging the merchant 3 times what the payment was supposed to be and they still refuse to pay the commission. HERE IS WHY BUSINESS OWNERS NEED TO STAY CLEAR: I also notice that not only did they take a payment almost double what they were supposed too 2 days in a row they also took an extra payment out of the second account!! So I let them know I don’t take kindly to theft, they need to fix it and pay me as well and they that they didn’t have to do the deal they chose too and that we could have just funded the same deal elsewhere, I even sent the offer to them to be transparent. I let them know both on Friday and again on Monday if I did not get the $10,500 I was owed by the end of the day on Monday that I would have no choice but to let my massive network of lenders brokers and business owners know how they operate and do a massive PR news article blast about my experience with these 2 companies. I even got my attorney involved. None of this matters to them so they clearly never had any intention of paying the commission or refunding the merchant. Well here we are not only have they still charged the client almost triple what they are contracted for but I am out $10,500 still. These guys think they can do whatever they want so make sure you let everyone you care about know how Axiom Funding and Flagler Advance Operate so they don’t get burned also! (feel free to request screen shots im happy to send them, i have everything which was submitted to my attorney i also sent them all again to axiom and flagler and they refuse to pay the commissions which are now 3 days late from when they were promised)!!
    0 replies | 7 view(s)
  • Richr7az's Avatar
    Today, 06:46 PM
    I have a client who is a provider of non medical home care (i.e. respite care, light housekeeping for seniors, companion services for seniors, personal care for seniors, etc). Bank statements have average revenue deposits of about $650k per month. Avarage bank balance is about $70k. Client is just finishing up with a 40 week $100k MCA from Bitty. Still owes about $14k. looking for about $175k. Company is behind on their financials and 2023 tax return is on extension. Anyone willing to look at this without stips for tax return and financials. let me know Rich Rose Rainstar Capital Group rich@rainstarcapitalgroup. 602 309-1007
    3 replies | 46 view(s)
  • VersaBusinessSystems's Avatar
    Today, 06:45 PM
    BUSINESS OWNERS AND FUNDING BROKERS BEWARE OF Axiom funding and Flagler Advance as well as AARON CROUTER! Not only do they steal from your merchants CHARGING TRIPLE PAYMENTS they also don’t pay the partners that brought them the deal and make up lies to hold back commissions (feel free to request screen shots I'm happy to send them) STAY FAR AWAY from these companies that are partnered with each other! I’ll give you the full run down. A friend of mine owns 2 very successful restaurants decided to get funding to add a rooftop to one of them. Axiom/Flagler gave a $200k offer but had so much back and forth sending new docs and all these phone calls and extra stips wanted the merchants decided to borrow a small loan for each location just incase just to cover the first traunch they had to pay the contractor the next day. These locations mind you are doing well over a half million a month as is with great balances they also own multiple other successful businesses from law firms to coffee shops, real estate company etc. Anyways Axiom and Flagler on Monday without saying a word to the merchant or asking for permission login to the merchants bank account, even accounts that had nothing to do with the deal and decided since they took a small loan for each location they were going to change the offer. NO BIG DEAL. I sent Aaron Crouter the lender names amounts and even the contracts so they had the info to make a new offer. Not only did they lower the amount to 150k, they dropped the term and increased the rate significantly. Ok whatever it’s gonna double the merchants revenue and they can afford it so all good. Then they decide just because they can they are going to cut my commission by 30% smh. Whatever no big deal the docs were already in the merchants hands and the merchant liked the one guy jimmy. WHY LENDERS AND BROKERS SHOULD STAY CLEAR: Well during all this back and forth another lender gives me the same offer but with full commission and they pay commission next day. I ask axiom when they pay commission and they said Friday. So we decide to Fund the deal and all was supposed to be good! Friday rolls around and no commission was paid. So I ask this douche of a guy Aaron Crouter who has bounced around to just about every lending company there is because he’s the most unprofessional jerk in the game starts screaming at me over the phone like I’m his child and just got all F’s on my report card talking about we stacked them and this and that so they aren’t paying me until the loan is paid off blah blah blah. This was Not true at all. I even got a month to date from the merchant and no more money was taken, all lies! I sent them all the documents and month to dates showing they weren’t stacked and that they were actually overcharging the merchant 3 times what the payment was supposed to be and they still refuse to pay the commission. HERE IS WHY BUSINESS OWNERS NEED TO STAY CLEAR: I also notice that not only did they take a payment almost double what they were supposed too 2 days in a row they also took an extra payment out of the second account!! So I let them know I don’t take kindly to theft, they need to fix it and pay me as well and they that they didn’t have to do the deal they chose too and that we could have just funded the same deal elsewhere, I even sent the offer to them to be transparent. I let them know both on Friday and again on Monday if I did not get the $10,500 I was owed by the end of the day on Monday that I would have no choice but to let my massive network of lenders brokers and business owners know how they operate and do a massive PR news article blast about my experience with these 2 companies. I even got my attorney involved. None of this matters to them so they clearly never had any intention of paying the commission or refunding the merchant. Well here we are not only have they still charged the client almost triple what they are contracted for but I am out $10,500 still. These guys think they can do whatever they want so make sure you let everyone you care about know how Axiom Funding and Flagler Advance Operate so they don’t get burned also! (feel free to request screen shots im happy to send them, i have everything which was submitted to my attorney i also sent them all again to axiom and flagler and they refuse to pay the commissions which are now 3 days late from when they were promised)!!
    1 replies | 45 view(s)
  • DennisM's Avatar
    Today, 06:32 PM
    Cloudsquare Broker built on Salesforce, the #1 CRM in the world, now supports 15+ Lender APIs to streamline the submission process to portal lenders. Instead of having to login to each portal one by one, with a few clicks, submit to your email lenders and portal lenders in seconds. Offers post back into the CRM as well. OnDeck​ Credibly​ Kapitus​ Fora Financial​ PIRS​ CAN Capital​ Idea Financial​ Expansion Capital Group​ Forward Financing​ Funding Metrics (Lendini)​ Balboa​ Bitty Advance​ Rapid Finance​ Mulligan Funding​ Headway FundKite Work with somebody not on this list? No problem. We can build a custom integration with your go-to lender. Click here to learn more or send us an email to to set up a live demo!
    0 replies | 7 view(s)
  • PuttingTheFunInFunding's Avatar
    Today, 06:15 PM
    So then they don't pay renewals...Regardless if they bring it in or not, if you originate the deal, you should be getting paid renews regardless.
    106 replies | 31658 view(s) | |
  • STAR CAP's Avatar
    Today, 05:49 PM
    If the merchant is cool with taking a 4-5 month deal this is something I will take a look at as well. If you would like I will even send you an ISO agreement first. PM me and let me know where to send it or forward me the deal directly to my email
    12 replies | 379 view(s) | |
  • Chambo's Avatar
    Today, 05:19 PM
    I've known Levi for many years. Never heard of him doing something like this. Every seems to think they are exclusive with deals, then come to find out that the merchant applied to five sources. Sounds to me like there was an offer sent out to multiple ISOs. One brought it back downsold, the other did not. This doesn't mean that anyone is backdooring. Was this a renewal or not? I think that has a lot to say here as well
    9 replies | 1382 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 04:45 PM
    These are two different lawsuits The District Court granted final approval to this settlement back in 2019 according to and they didn't update anything about it on the website. I'd say that these are two cases. Merchants are NOT filing BTW. It would be a shame that they don't file and get something out of the deal.
    2 replies | 28 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 04:28 PM
    Does this merchant qualify for something better than 4 positions at 7.5% of revenue? Taking out positions with positions? And he has cash flow issues? How are the financials? Any assets, real estate we can use?
    2 replies | 43 view(s) | |
  • Quickfunder's Avatar
    Today, 04:11 PM
    Thanks in advance for recommendations: Merchant averaging $475,000 over last 3 months. Has four balances totaling $350,000. Lowest two balances are $60,000 and $55,000 respectively, down each about $5K by end of week. Currently at a 32% draw on revenue. Looking to sub out at least the two lower balances.
    2 replies | 43 view(s)
  • fundinggrasshopper's Avatar
    Today, 03:49 PM
    Mulligan cut off a lot of isos after the more recent YS lawsuit. Process is long to sign on if they r still accepting new
    24 replies | 6131 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 03:37 PM
    Try Troy Cummings Office 858-427-5604 Cell 858-427-5696
    24 replies | 6131 view(s) | |
  • Quickfunder's Avatar
    Today, 03:34 PM
    Have tried to get with Mulligan but never hear back. Does anyone have a contact there?
    24 replies | 6131 view(s) | |
  • MJames's Avatar
    Today, 03:19 PM
    Compete and sometimes beat, throw channel partners and libertas on that list also
    24 replies | 6131 view(s) | |
  • Quickfunder's Avatar
    Today, 03:09 PM
    These compete w/ Kapitus?
    24 replies | 6131 view(s) | |
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