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  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 01:44 PM
    He Identifies as someone who knows more than other brokers. That should be good enough for you Stephanie. He also identifies as a better broker than the rest.
    5 replies | 68 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 01:43 PM
    No positive online presence is a big one. I know guys hide their names often because they are generating leads illegally, but not having positive reviews and such will absolutely make a merchant go dark on you.
    5 replies | 68 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 01:32 PM
    You haven't gone deeper enough with discovery to demonstrate you have more product knowledge and more options than a typical MCA broker. You haven't differentiated yourself from all the other MCA brokers. Act like you are a loan officer and not just another MCA guy. Qualify for term loan SBA loan options Personal loan Asset based lending A/R, A/P, factoring Real Estate - O/O and NOO Equipment financing or cash out co borrower availabl Cross collateralization - property Intellectual property to collateralize/monitize Review P & L and tax returns to see if they cash flow for better loan
    5 replies | 68 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Today, 01:21 PM
    You're the man Steven – Large sales volume merchants filling out your application.
    5 replies | 68 view(s) | |
  • Steven_O's Avatar
    Today, 01:13 PM
    Loved every single one of these. You speak from the heart on this one!
    5 replies | 68 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Today, 01:09 PM
    The competition level of a file (or your leads), and your level of effectiveness at competing is very important. You have a very short period of time to convey Words, Actions and Processes to convince your merchant to buy your credibility right there on the spot, or to make him think about it and come back later. If you haven't sold him or her, this is the point when the ghosting starts to take shape. REASONS -You never created a sense of urgency with the merchant to take action now. -You don’t follow up when you say you would, (or at all) so merchant doesn’t take you seriously when you actually do reach out. There’s someone else who was more serious. -You never established the burning reason or motivation why the merchant should take the money quickly, ie. NOW? (It's either to remove pain that will get worse if you procrastinate, or take advantage of a good opportunity that you might lose) -The merchant doesn’t believe you are a credible solution to his problem or desire. Either you don’t have the right lenders or right alternatives, or you give the appearance of a one-trick shop. -The merchant took money already. -You don’t have a one call close mindset…If merchants typically close with you in 1-2 weeks after you connect with them, there's likely things you could be saying or doing to have them close on the first call, or at least in the next 24-72 hours. -The merchant went through the whole process before and had the deal killed at the gate or in final underwriting, and as they start the process with you, it feels like they’re just going through the same motions as before. -The merchant just didn’t feel like speaking to you anymore and they weren’t compelled to provide a reason. -Spoke to 5 guys today like you and you all sound the same. He went with the one guy who made him laugh, or who knew his industry, or got him to take immediate action -Wasn’t comfortable giving subsequent financial info to someone he met over the phone (40% of financial deals done in person or off referral, 80% of people will never do business off a cold call). -Wasn’t comfortable with you – gender, color, part of the country you’re from, talk too slow/too fast -Cold feet when he thought about the reality of paying back all that money -You were too high pressure on the phone. You want to be calm and relaxed, will moving with expedience. -You don’t follow instructions. He said call him Wednesday at 1 PM. You called at 10 am, then again on Thursday. -Wife told him it wasn’t safe sending financial info to a stranger -Found another solution and didn’t bother to let you know (you weren’t important enough). -The merchant has issues that were a problem for them in the past and feel that they would block them getting money now. You never discuss it and they lose faith, and don’t tell you. -Merchant had a minor need or desire, but not a serious one, so they were never fully committed. -Merchant spoke to another sales guy over the phone, and the experience was so negative, they were turned off by future calls. The majority of these issues can be solved with just asking the right questions, being on top of your merchant, and matching the merchants’ proclivities and behaviors. – Large sales volume merchants filling out your application.
    5 replies | 68 view(s)
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 09:16 AM
    Use the 1/3 rule - 100 applications ---> 33 approvals -----> 11 requested/signed contracts -----> 3-4 fund And if you are specifically sending your subs to the correct funders given you review/scrub the file a bit when you get the submission in, you will eliminate a lot of emails and headaches which will hopefully fund a few more deals since 'shot gunning' the file from A-D funders will just make you look dumb and cause the funders to think your shop has no clue what you are doing. Ex: Merchant funded 3 times in May but you send to IOU, Kapitus and National? Like why???
    3 replies | 211 view(s) | |
  • kpeng's Avatar
    Today, 08:36 AM
    This is like asking how many fish you'll catch. There are so many variables. Quality of your bait, timing, conditions, how much patience you have, and who you choose to go fishing with.
    3 replies | 211 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 08:16 AM
    address: 311 Boulevard of the Americas Lakewood, NJ 08701 Phone: 848-299-2184 Email: &
    9 replies | 708 view(s) | |
  • dailyfunderppt's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:44 PM
    Point of contact at Epic please
    9 replies | 708 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:09 PM
    Do they qualify for a SBA 504 at 10% down payment? Is the seller willing to do a seller carryback to get 90% CLTV for traditional or hard money? Dude too man questions for a quick answer. Is it a practice purchase that includes the building that could qualify for a business acquisition loan at 90%?
    5 replies | 78 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:01 PM
    Will get wildly varying answers, numbers will be very different from a broker who say does SMS spam/baiting vs someone who runs real time advertising. Attracts different quality
    3 replies | 211 view(s) | |
    Yesterday, 07:54 PM
    I have been back in this space for a little over a year worked in it (2010-2018) with some equipment financing as well. Worked for brokers and direct funders. I wanted to see how many applications it takes to get an approval on average in this current market. Assume I get "decent" leads.
    3 replies | 211 view(s)
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:32 PM
    How much out of pocket cash does the doctor have to place into the deal. Have proof of funds. The facility is located? You lost me on the zeros - this is a 2 Million Dollar Transaction?
    5 replies | 78 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:27 PM
    Hahahaha...if you want help you have my number....;)
    5 replies | 78 view(s) | |
  •'s Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:18 PM
    I quit smoking long ago I gave my last bag to the guy on the street - he looked a little like you though lol
    5 replies | 78 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:56 PM need to call Uncle Steve again....quit smoking that stuff...
    5 replies | 78 view(s) | |
  •'s Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:39 PM
    Looking for lender that can provide $400,000 as a down payment on a $2000,000.00 commercial medial facility the practice is purchasing in the month- who can provide this funding and what type of documentation is needed to assess - they have another two facilities they will be purchasing over the year after this first - 2nd is $5000 000.00 facility and the third facility is $1,500,000.00 - will confirm the deposit requirements on the next two facilities - just wanted to put the feelers out there whom among you can provide this type of support capital.
    5 replies | 78 view(s)
  • MovingMoney's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:17 PM
    CT3, I am also in MCA space, but i also do Real estate Investment Properties and SBA Loans and i only do it with Steve, He is Trustworthy and has a clear understanding on how to Successfully navigate thru these 2 Arenas when it gets complicated. I have made money with him, and i continue to make money with him, He represents the clients well being @ 100% Also know there is a lot of paperwork involved and Steve does that as well it would take up a lot of your valuable time. Good Luck with everything.
    9 replies | 378 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:07 PM
    Ive had 7 month 4ths with lendini for large deals. I only use them for large 4ths 3rds. I dont think they can beat anyone in the 2nd and 3rd space.
    2 replies | 245 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:11 PM
    Always found a lot more success with EBF over Lendini. Def similar tastes tho.
    2 replies | 245 view(s) | |
  • SendDocsPlox's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:59 PM
    Everest is the best case I can think of, Who else is unironically on the level with Funding Metrics' Lendini at the moment?
    2 replies | 245 view(s)
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:24 PM
    Sent you a PM
    9 replies | 378 view(s) | |
  • DennisM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:13 PM
    Cloudsquare Broker (formerly BrokerSuite) is built on Salesforce, the #1 CRM in the world. Here is a quick video of the submission / offer management process - We have also integrated with 15+ Lender APIs. Book a full demo by emailing
    27 replies | 3737 view(s) | |
  • CamrynVogt's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:30 PM
    Seeking brokers with 1+ years experience in the industry to join our NYC team located in Fidi NYC. We can offer fair splits, lead generation/sourcing , working hours are 9:30am - 6pm and and inhouse syndication platform to use at your disposal. You would also have access to a large group of brokers with over 10M+ in funding and a wealth of knowledge to learn and grow as a broker yourself. Feel free to DM if you have any additional questions, I would be more than happy to answer them for you!
    0 replies | 96 view(s)
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:56 AM
    1 replies | 110 view(s) | |
  • Nick De Jesus's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:42 AM
    Hello, Does anyone have any recommendations for a similar CRM/ Lead Flow Distribution application to (preferably able to integrate with Zapier.) If so please email or call me using the below info. Best Regards, Nick De Jesus Meridian Leads 561-418-2043
    1 replies | 110 view(s)
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:08 AM Not going to do a lot of good for somebody new though.
    9 replies | 378 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:24 AM
    I think theyre direct for reverses. I had a 15 month 12pt reverse with them some time ago and was paid accordingly.
    5 replies | 485 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:59 AM
    Do some research on the Coleman Report website. There are a ton of SBA resources on the site.
    9 replies | 378 view(s) | |
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