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  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    06-07-2024, 11:24 AM
    Who wants to do broker deals with a scammy lender? How does a canadian lender get to go against their own contract just because they are in canada? The broker agreement says lender must pay commission within 7 business days with a 30day clawback. Told us (the broker) we won't get paid on a deal until it's paid off. It has been 19 days now but they are telling us because a few payments bounced (but were paid) they are withholding for 3 months until the loan is majority paid because the account is in default, but the account never defaulted. How is that even possible?
    141 replies | 12804 view(s)
  • treymarkel's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 12:06 PM
    DailyFunder Community, I have always maintained transparency in all my posts about Centrex Software and our service to the alternative corporate finance community. We are dedicated advocates of the entire corporate finance space and operate our business with the utmost integrity. We deeply value our relationships with each of our clients, vendors, and partners. We want you to hear from us directly before any false rumors or claims circulate within the industry. On May 21, 2024, Centrex Software became aware of a vulnerability within our service provider's system that was exploited by an unidentified, unauthorized party, potentially allowing access to client documents stored in our service provider's systems. We immediately worked with our service provider as they launched their incident response protocol to investigate the incident’s details, including to identify the responsible party, confirm the root cause, and verify the type of data that may be involved. They were able to successfully resolve the vulnerability by 5:45pm CST on May 21, 2024. Currently, our team is focused on a comprehensive analysis to ensure we understand the full scope and nature of the incident. This analysis is augmented by external cybersecurity specialists at Kroll, SureFire Cyber, and our outside counsel. The FBI has been notified of this incident and we are making progress in determining who may be responsible for these actions. We fully intend to prosecute those involved in this egregious act. While the immediate security concern has been addressed, we are taking steps to prevent future occurrences. We will share additional information as it becomes available, including any updates from law enforcement, and we will provide guidance on our customer and consumer notification process once our investigation is complete. We will update the following FAQ with new information as it becomes available. What was the issue identified? We identified that code in a legacy client portal exposed a vulnerability in which an unauthorized third-party exploited client documents. It was discovered and patched on May 21, 2024. We are working closely with our cybersecurity specialists to confirm these details. Why am I just being notified now on June 3rd 2024? Our service provider's incident response protocol is a strict process and takes time to make sure Centrex Software customers are aware of the facts. Was this ransomware? No, this is not a ransomware incident. Who is your service provider? Set Forth, Inc. (“Forth”) provides the intellectual property and maintenance services for the Centrex Software platform. We are working closely with them to investigate this incident. How did Centrex respond? We engaged legal counsel and cyber forensics quickly upon discovery in accordance with our policies. We preserved all available logs for analysis, as well as requesting logs from our third-party providers. What information was involved? Our investigation into the incident remains ongoing. Once the investigation is complete, and if our review determines any customer or personal information is involved, we will notify the appropriate parties in accordance with our legal obligations and state and Federal law. We understand the importance of this information and will ensure that this process is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Who can we contact if we have more questions? All questions concerning the incident should be submitted to We will respond to each question as soon as we can and appreciate your patience and understanding through this process. We work hard every day to provide our clients a secure, reliable system, and to operate our business with the utmost integrity and transparency. We welcome any questions or comments you may have, and we remain committed to delivering on our promises to you. Kind Regards, Trey Markel VP Sales & Marketing (888) 622-5810
    38 replies | 6958 view(s)
  • FundKite's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 01:15 PM
    For those of you who are unsure how real-time reconciliations work and how the benefit the merchants please watch our explainer video here.. happy to answer any questions.
    48 replies | 1762 view(s)
  • abfunders's Avatar
    06-18-2024, 10:12 AM
    This is interesting.... ​I personally know people who came into the industry, got their Adobe subscription, left​ the industry, and were stuck holding the bill​ without realizing it. Since even before the 2000s, I never ​s​tayed away from Adobe Acrobat, they were known to have the biggest security leaks and major RAM hogs (on my ​16mb of RAM in Win95). ​T​hings are obviously better now, but I have been using GIMP for image manipulation and I purchased in the one-tim​e FoxIt​PDF license (2 times, once for v10, ​recently one for v13), and I use SignNow for my eSign platform​, paid yearly. (DocuSign is way overpriced IMHO.)
    12 replies | 3710 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-13-2024, 08:28 AM
    I am currently speaking to a source who says he can do 100 live transfers for $1500. He sent me a recording of a call and he basically prequalifies the merchant and transfers them to me with a completed app. Seems kinda fishy. Has anyone had any luck with these kind of sources? We're trying to move away from doing 400 calls a day on a power dialer.
    19 replies | 1645 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-24-2024, 10:00 AM
    Business is super well qualified, had some good offers on the file in the past. Looking to get him some more money at a higher $ amount. Not sure who the best lender to send this out to is. 700 Fico 900k in rev.
    23 replies | 983 view(s)
  • GodspeedVG's Avatar
    06-25-2024, 04:24 PM
    Who looks at bad files under 20k?
    22 replies | 673 view(s)
  • phunder's Avatar
    06-19-2024, 05:47 PM
    I've heard of shops paying anywhere from 20% to 60% commissions to reps/closers on deals funded. What, in your professional/experiential opinion, is a "fair" commission split for experienced, high-performing reps?
    15 replies | 1407 view(s)
  • yfunds's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 07:26 PM
    Who funds Bluevine statements?
    12 replies | 1632 view(s)
  •'s Avatar
    06-18-2024, 06:58 AM
    We are looking to sign up with the best consolidation companies in the space , Pls share with me best reverse consolidation names? if you have a direct contact pls share as well Thanks
    7 replies | 2490 view(s)
  • brokerCompany's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 02:09 PM
    Anyone else see this daily funder not worth much. All you have is the older guy spamming and more scammers on this site.
    12 replies | 1116 view(s)
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    06-21-2024, 02:58 PM
    Hello all what are your thoughts on family funding group? Experience with them?
    14 replies | 991 view(s)
  • Franklin's Avatar
    06-12-2024, 01:09 PM
    The competition level of a file (or your leads), and your level of effectiveness at competing is very important. You have a very short period of time to convey Words, Actions and Processes to convince your merchant to buy your credibility right there on the spot, or to make him think about it and come back later. If you haven't sold him or her, this is the point when the ghosting starts to take shape. REASONS -You never created a sense of urgency with the merchant to take action now. -You don’t follow up when you say you would, (or at all) so merchant doesn’t take you seriously when you actually do reach out. There’s someone else who was more serious. -You never established the burning reason or motivation why the merchant should take the money quickly, ie. NOW? (It's either to remove pain that will get worse if you procrastinate, or take advantage of a good opportunity that you might lose) -The merchant doesn’t believe you are a credible solution to his problem or desire. Either you don’t have the right lenders or right alternatives, or you give the appearance of a one-trick shop. -The merchant took money already. -You don’t have a one call close mindset…If merchants typically close with you in 1-2 weeks after you connect with them, there's likely things you could be saying or doing to have them close on the first call, or at least in the next 24-72 hours. -The merchant went through the whole process before and had the deal killed at the gate or in final underwriting, and as they start the process with you, it feels like they’re just going through the same motions as before. -The merchant just didn’t feel like speaking to you anymore and they weren’t compelled to provide a reason. -Spoke to 5 guys today like you and you all sound the same. He went with the one guy who made him laugh, or who knew his industry, or got him to take immediate action -Wasn’t comfortable giving subsequent financial info to someone he met over the phone (40% of financial deals done in person or off referral, 80% of people will never do business off a cold call). -Wasn’t comfortable with you – gender, color, part of the country you’re from, talk too slow/too fast -Cold feet when he thought about the reality of paying back all that money -You were too high pressure on the phone. You want to be calm and relaxed, will moving with expedience. -You don’t follow instructions. He said call him Wednesday at 1 PM. You called at 10 am, then again on Thursday. -Wife told him it wasn’t safe sending financial info to a stranger -Found another solution and didn’t bother to let you know (you weren’t important enough). -The merchant has issues that were a problem for them in the past and feel that they would block them getting money now. You never discuss it and they lose faith, and don’t tell you. -Merchant had a minor need or desire, but not a serious one, so they were never fully committed. -Merchant spoke to another sales guy over the phone, and the experience was so negative, they were turned off by future calls. The majority of these issues can be solved with just asking the right questions, being on top of your merchant, and matching the merchants’ proclivities and behaviors. – Large sales volume merchants filling out your application.
    11 replies | 1524 view(s)
  •'s Avatar
    06-18-2024, 07:02 AM
    G&G intoduced themselves to us as a consolidation companies, everytime my merchant signed a contract then there underwriting team disappears and communication is horrible and i am not sure if they take reach out to my merchant directly and sign him up or not ? so pls advise if they are a legit funder or not ?
    6 replies | 1929 view(s)
  • sergio450's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 09:23 AM
    I am looking for a reputable super broker who pays a fair commission split and also pays on renewals. Most A paper funders are not onboarding new ISOs so we are willing to partner with a super broker. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
    9 replies | 1303 view(s)
  •'s Avatar
    06-18-2024, 07:03 AM
    can you please guide me through the best line of credit or business credit card funder in the space ? i used to deal with individuals in this business section but its not helpful and i need to deal with a legit entity , pls recommend some
    8 replies | 1365 view(s)
  • helpinghand's Avatar
    06-19-2024, 08:46 AM
    It's been years since we got back doored but yesterday we did. Two scumbags (below) texted my client with a photocopy of MY APP, offering the world ($995K, 1-year interest free, 8-12% APY). When they only qualified for $100K or so. We lost all trust with the client and had to go into damage control. Such a shame. While I won't throw the lender under the bus, I have a pretty good idea who leaked it. I'll spare the lender because I don't know for certain it was them, and it could have been a rogue employee. Anyway, here are the scumbags who reached out to my client. JAY WESTON - CENTURIAN CAPITAL - 1-848-466-5152 (roto-dialer) "SCOTT" - TOP TIER CAPITAL - 1-347-525-1262 (iPhone) LOSERS
    5 replies | 2063 view(s)
  • ATLAS MONEY's Avatar
    06-18-2024, 11:27 AM
    Hello all i have a client grossing 12 million a year needs 500k 680 fico been in business for at least two years
    4 replies | 1812 view(s)
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 02:26 PM
    Top reps - where are we sitting at for the year ? Anyone brave enough to share units / revenue / volume year to date?
    5 replies | 1665 view(s)
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    06-03-2024, 05:06 PM
    Solid deal, need 2nd pos. Restaurant/Bar out of Puerto Rico... Call me if you're lending there, would love to start a new relationship, thank you. (502)909-4136
    9 replies | 842 view(s)
  • Sam@electrafunding's Avatar
    06-04-2024, 12:44 PM
    Hey everyone we are offering 15 points to all new brokers that fund with us in June. We Fund A-D paper with lengths of deals ranging from 20-150 days. We fund up to 1 million. We are looking to have a massive month and we want to do that with you guys. Best Regards, Sam Roth| Managing Partner Email: Phone: 516-757-8601
    6 replies | 1374 view(s)
  • yfunds's Avatar
    06-04-2024, 06:31 PM
    Best ACH processors these days? GoAch, who else?
    8 replies | 1044 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 02:19 AM
    For me last shabbos, the local mashgiach was staying over so before we went to the rabbis we got drunk and I put him on the dialer to call merchants! He got managed to get a couple subs in too!
    8 replies | 808 view(s)
  • CT3's Avatar
    06-10-2024, 10:45 PM
    Who is the best/easiest SBA lender to work with? Props if you can make an intro
    9 replies | 1103 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    06-08-2024, 07:15 PM
    Are these guys legit?
    5 replies | 1120 view(s)
  •'s Avatar
    06-19-2024, 05:44 AM
    Can you share with me your experience with Centrex and their pricing as well ?
    3 replies | 1434 view(s)
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    06-24-2024, 02:10 PM
    Need someone to take over a reverse for a merchant in California. Withhold is right around 30% range with new funding he is looking to do. Does anyone do same week, or immediate take over? The only eligible funders I've talked to (Cali) say they have to wait 2 weeks before taking over from last disbursement. We have ISOs with most known reverse lenders, didn't know if anyone else would be willing to go in. Would be around half a million reverse. Any input helps, thanks.
    9 replies | 692 view(s)
  • CapCity's Avatar
    06-05-2024, 11:25 AM
    As per the title, I'm looking for a lender who will do a cash out loan for a mixed-use property (55% residential). Let me know if you can introduce me to somebody. Thanks.
    7 replies | 891 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-25-2024, 03:17 PM
    Currently looking at on-boarding with Dakota. Was just wondering what companies other brokers are using
    11 replies | 313 view(s)
  • Mexican Funding's Avatar
    06-20-2024, 10:23 AM
    Please let me know if anybody can assist with this. What I need are Direct funders of commercial loan for New Construction, commercial and residential, Existing Business acquisitions up and running, Equipment new and used. I have several deals: 1.- It is the purchase of a Concrete Plant Cement Plant for the amount of $6.5 Million 2.- Land Owners Free and Clear new construction loan for an office complex for $4,750 Mill 3.- Construction of a Park for RVS, they own the Free and Clear acres with a value of $1 Million, they need $3 Million for the construction of the same 4.- Another of land financing, for its purchase and refinancing they have enough capital and liquid to put up to 50% down payment if necessary 5.- Lines of Credit for Existing Businesses
    7 replies | 696 view(s)
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