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  • Americanchoicecapital's Avatar
    Today, 11:04 AM
    Opening available ! Will compete with most funding companies compensation packages AI powered portal for management of deals must have ISO rep experience Located on the east coast. Remote role. Please email for further details
    0 replies | 1 view(s)
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 10:53 AM
    You don't undertand the business. There are lenders that work on balance sheet and off balance sheet. Depending on guidelines. Good luck anyways.
    3 replies | 21 view(s) | |
  • Mexican Funding's Avatar
    Today, 10:47 AM
    Respectfully, not looking to work with a broker. If you have any insight on lenders who do this, then i will entertain. Thank you.
    3 replies | 21 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 10:43 AM
    Too many different lenders and too many options. Would need an intake form for each deal to evaluate.
    3 replies | 21 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 10:40 AM
    Business credit cards is 100% the way to go here. If they're a broker, they probably don't even need 0 APR only, but with a 780 FICO, they probably don't need much else. 150k monthly is gross revenue, most of which is for "inventory" which is being flipped, am I right?
    1 replies | 12 view(s) | |
  • Keysade's Avatar
    Today, 10:37 AM
    TIB 1 year. 780 fico. 150k per month. No positions. Looking for 70k.
    1 replies | 12 view(s)
  • Mexican Funding's Avatar
    Today, 10:23 AM
    Please let me know if anybody can assist with this. What I need are Direct funders of commercial loan for New Construction, commercial and residential, Existing Business acquisitions up and running, Equipment new and used. I have several deals: 1.- It is the purchase of a Concrete Plant Cement Plant for the amount of $6.5 Million 2.- Land Owners Free and Clear new construction loan for an office complex for $4,750 Mill 3.- Construction of a Park for RVS, they own the Free and Clear acres with a value of $1 Million, they need $3 Million for the construction of the same 4.- Another of land financing, for its purchase and refinancing they have enough capital and liquid to put up to 50% down payment if necessary 5.- Lines of Credit for Existing Businesses
    3 replies | 21 view(s)
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 10:09 AM
    Midwest Corp Credit is also a broker, but they don't get involved with the alternative lending industry other than real estate. They're really nice, and I've worked with Bailey for 6-7 years. You can also look into Seek Capital, and what I just heard is that they're even willing to pay off balances of the credit cards, which drastically increases approvals. MWCC does 0 APR business cards and checkbook LOCs, Seek only does 0 APR business CCs (one trick pony in their own words). I have another provider that I use that does it all, personal term loans, business term loans, LOCs, personal term loans, and business and personal credit cards both APR and non-APR. Send me an email, I can make an introduction.
    8 replies | 669 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 09:57 AM
    I bet its over like $500 too lol
    111 replies | 6211 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    8 replies | 669 view(s) | |
  • Seth Davis's Avatar
    8 replies | 669 view(s) | |
  • Seth Davis's Avatar
    Today, 09:39 AM
    I don't work with Vader but Forward and Big Bitty are good for trucking, especially Big Bitty. Legend does it but only gives 4 month approvals so it's a waste
    51 replies | 9805 view(s) | |
  • SendDocsPlox's Avatar
    Today, 09:14 AM
    To start on a 100% commission basis a 25-35% split to start is entirely normal in MCA, same split for PSFs Most shops will be capping out at 40-50% depending on company structure and that would be expected after the ISO knows you are in it for the long haul. Sometimes that will take years to get to, depending on a number of factors Coming from larger, more established companies where leads and equipment are provided
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • brandon_'s Avatar
    Today, 07:16 AM
    I agree with the above. It all depends on what you're offered. If you get a base salary, commission will be lower. If you don't, it will be higher. If you're closing deals all day, and being handed the approvals, commission will be lower. If you're grinding calling outbound AND closing, commission will be higher. If you bring in your own leads and just use the company as a platform, commission will be even higher. So I like the answer of 20-60%. It really depends. If you wanna PM me with the context of the situation I can give you my honest answer.
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • brandon_'s Avatar
    Today, 07:14 AM
    Vader is really the only one. At least on the small ones. There are a few others who have minimum deposit restrictions around $50k+. But Vader has been the only consistent 1st position trucking for a while
    51 replies | 9805 view(s) | |
  • brandon_'s Avatar
    Today, 07:09 AM
    lol I can't believe this is still going on. The squeaky wheel truly always gets the oil. I wonder if they'll just pay him because hes so annoying
    111 replies | 6211 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 12:54 AM
    All depends what you offer as a shop. Have resources and pumping in high quality real time leads? Running data in dialers and spending on nothing?
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 12:52 AM
    Just sue then.
    111 replies | 6211 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:54 PM
    Clawback period is over now! There was never a need for clawback ANYWAY! At this point in time, Im entitled to receive the check that they are holding, default or not, as per the contract ! If they DONT want to carry out whats in the contract, then dont create a contract to bait and switch us in the FIRST place. Regardless if they have something to lose or not, they understood their risk before they sent us an agreement. If you need to gaslight FACTS to sleep better at night, by all means thats YOUR preference. But Im not speaking on opinions, should've, would've, could've. The FACT is its a small check to them, and a “legit funder” will abide by their clauses! Most importantly, its the end of clawback period, They haven't lost anything, and they OWE us our commission !
    111 replies | 6211 view(s) | |
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:44 PM
    Lexington is a 🤡 broker shop subbing out ur deals to the handful of LOC lenders we’re all aware of
    8 replies | 669 view(s) | |
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:38 PM
    New business , renewal , managing both ??? New business top reps in this industry are making $250k++++ Do the math on ur shop 50k rev a month from the rep is 600k for the year. Bound to have a few larger months so 35%- 40% of that puts u right about there Not sure what u consider “ experienced, high performing rep numbers “
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:24 PM
    20% to 60% commissions - of what ? What is the Gross Commission?
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • dollarbillz's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:39 PM
    Depends on the quality of leads the shop is generating but I would say 45 - 50% for a high performing rep.
    6 replies | 220 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:22 PM
    I use Cadence bank and have funded in 25 days...get the least amount you need with an early pay discount. You can access them through SmartBiz but request file goes to that bank.
    3 replies | 119 view(s) | |
  • Wmateo's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:23 PM
    Thank you Steve, but they cant cope with the SBA process at the moment. Too slow, they need the funds fast.
    3 replies | 119 view(s) | |
  • Collinscash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:16 PM
    Hey everyone, I just came across this really insightful article about securing business funding, and I thought it would be great to share here. The article covers various funding options like traditional bank loans, venture capital, angel investors, crowdfunding, and government grants. It also provides practical advice on how to choose the best funding source based on your specific needs and goals. One key highlight is the emphasis on reliable smart business funding. The piece explains what smart business funding is, its benefits (like quick approval and customized solutions), and how it can significantly impact your business growth. It even recommends as a trusted provider for tailored funding solutions. For anyone looking to grow their business, I think this article is a must-read. It’s straightforward, easy to understand, and packed with useful information. Check it out if you’re exploring funding options or just want to learn more about the landscape! You can read the full article here. What do you all think about the current funding landscape? Any experiences or tips to share? Looking forward to your thoughts!
    8 replies | 669 view(s) | |
  • phunder's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:47 PM
    I've heard of shops paying anywhere from 20% to 60% commissions to reps/closers on deals funded. What, in your professional/experiential opinion, is a "fair" commission split for experienced, high-performing reps?
    6 replies | 220 view(s)
  • Jhowen19's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:38 PM
    New Bank Program (Money Outside business funding) Client Qualifications: - 680+ credit score (Transunion) - Make $700 a week - W2 employee - Must live in NY, NJ or FL Qualify for up to $50,000 personal loan!!!! Term: 7 years* Rate: 9-19% Approved in 24 hours!!!!* What is NEEDED: - Last 2 paystubs - 2022 W2 Other Alternative Personal loans besides this program are also available*(any state) as long as merchant has a: - 680+ fico - ⁠on payroll or have last year personal taxes Terms:3-5 years 8-24% interest Monthly payments Up to 250k Anybody could get this product if they have the required credit & proof of income. Business Products: Line Of Credit : Term Loans : Real estate/Vehicle/equipment/Inventory Financing : MCAs : SBA 7.A : SBA Express : SBA MICRO : Consolidations : Insurance programs : Business credit cards : Credit Repair : Tradelines Ace Of Champions, LLC Email: Instagram: Aceofchampions
    0 replies | 44 view(s)
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:24 PM
    Our software limit is $99,999.00
    5 replies | 70 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:24 PM
    Our terms on first positions are open ended kind of like a line of credit of sorts. We have trucking oand constction deals that have been funding with us for years and it is one continuous term,
    51 replies | 9805 view(s) | |
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