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  • FundKite's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 01:15 PM
    For those of you who are unsure how real-time reconciliations work and how the benefit the merchants please watch our explainer video here.. happy to answer any questions.
    49 replies | 3389 view(s)
  • SamuelH's Avatar
    07-09-2024, 12:44 PM
    Hey, I got 3 deals that need to be funded and they are considered low risk, but I need a deal that makes sense for these clients. The 3 clients have good bank statements but a 50k deal in which they have to pay 1k a day is not going to work. Who can get these clients the funds with a stellar rate of return? I need someone that is good at responding in a timely manner with a track record of getting deals funded. Thank you Samuel 406-282-1404
    39 replies | 2691 view(s)
  • babybroker's Avatar
    07-02-2024, 02:53 PM
    Funded a file With Everest twice over the course of 6 months for 25k both times Both were new deals and not a renewal. Ana M. Del Rio from Everest "Refinance Dept" Reached out to the merchant Asking if they were looking for more funds and did another 25k deal directly with the merchant. Merchant has his statements sent to me every month and I noticed that EBF funded . Just got off the phone with Everest iso support asking for my comm on this file and they said that any deal that is funded with EBF directly is their file and since they took the risk funding the file they are not going to be paying comm here. Safe to say I will not be working with EBF anymore if anyone would like to see screenshots of EBF reaching out and funding the file please PM me
    22 replies | 3225 view(s)
  • TheProphecyofMCA's Avatar
    07-11-2024, 01:11 PM
    Whats up everyone, My team is currently handling over 25 fresh applications daily. Compared to the past few years, we're seeing some significant changes in the industry. It's almost impossible to get funding for first-time applicants unless their files are spotless. Funding for trucking is nearly nonexistent, construction financing is very limited, there are more restrictions based on state locations, many default files, and trust issues with backdoor dealings are on the rise. Just last year, about half of these applications would have received offers. What's your perspective on the current state of the industry and the direction it's heading?
    22 replies | 2714 view(s)
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 03:22 PM
    For those of you who do cold calls (or lukewarm calls), what are some rebuttals you use to keep prospects talking? Or general conversation. Doesn't necessarily have to be MCAs.
    24 replies | 1963 view(s)
  • Loading's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 07:31 PM
    Who are your go to SBA lenders? Both for 7a and bolt programs
    29 replies | 2013 view(s)
  • jtsfunding's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 06:01 PM
    I hate to bad mad mouth other people in the same space as me, but these guys have really done it in for me. Ron Shusterman and Mike Mendez with Foretrust funding and Gemini funding are some of the shadiest individuals in the space. With plenty of controversy surrounding them in previous daily funder posts from other individuals whether or not they are brokers themselves rather than real lenders I always stood up for them until this point. I am here to confirm that they are in fact BROKERS as well as funders, we have funded a deal with them multiple times under Gemini and come to find out they went behind our back and funded him again without our knowledge and when confronted they lied straight to our face, we have confirmed with the merchant using MTD and a copy of the contract that was coming from Foretrust that they in fact did go behind our back and get in touch with our merchant to fund him this deal and not to pay commission. This is not the first issue we have run into with them and lying about payments made in order to not pay out commission, but this is the final straw for me. I advise everyone to stay far away from these guys, if they are going to go behind our back to fund a merchant I cant help but assume they are also stealing every file we have sent to them whether they are brokering it out to fund them selves or selling the files off as packaged apps. Either way this is disgusting and these guys are the main reason this industry is so frowned upon. If you are not capable of originating your own deals let alone payout your brokers for bringing you deals you do not deserve to be in business. Everyone else feel free to share your negative experience(s) with this group of individuals in the thread
    26 replies | 1788 view(s)
  • ifundtrucking's Avatar
    07-10-2024, 08:04 AM
    Who are the funders that are willing to cross collateralize different entities?
    19 replies | 1166 view(s)
  • Dominic S's Avatar
    07-03-2024, 11:57 AM
    Any one do these type of deals?
    14 replies | 1397 view(s)
  • inacio's Avatar
    07-01-2024, 07:52 PM
    Hi. Are there any longers that accept business owners with ITIN's?
    18 replies | 796 view(s)
  • FundingGuy's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 01:44 PM
    Can anyone share Expansion Capital Group's contact information? Are they taking ISO?
    19 replies | 919 view(s)
  • MCABRuno's Avatar
    07-02-2024, 01:47 PM
    I have several files in this box that need a home, including some with lower credit profiles. Does anyone typically fund these types of cases? It would be great to add to our list of lenders. Additionally, if anyone funds VA loans, we have a few of those as well. Please comment below if you can assist with any of these files.
    18 replies | 891 view(s)
  • whiterabbit's Avatar
    07-02-2024, 01:37 PM
    whiterabbit started a thread 7mo TIB Deal in Deal Bin
    Who can fund a deal, TIB is 7mo, LLC doing around 100K a month in business, balances decent, no negative days, 1-2 days low. The sell heavy equipment and auto parts, looking for inventory, credit 660.
    12 replies | 1298 view(s)
  • MarvelBusinessFunding's Avatar
    07-08-2024, 03:29 PM
    Have any other brokers ever had any issues with funding through Instafund?
    11 replies | 1469 view(s)
  • Sam@electrafunding's Avatar
    07-01-2024, 11:52 AM
    Hello ISO'S we are offering a July special for all new iso's that sign up with Electra Funding in July. All first deals funded together will receive a 15 point commission. Our submission process is simple. Please send all files to our submission's email with 3 months of recent bank statements. Offers will be sent back within the hour only stips needed for contracts are DL and VC. We fund positions 1st-10th and prior defaults as well. We fund all industries. Looking forward to working with you all thanks have a blessed day. Best Regards, Sam Roth| Managing Partner Email: Phone: 516-757-8601
    15 replies | 964 view(s)
  • abcloser's Avatar
    07-11-2024, 07:07 PM
    What would you do ? I have a merchant who owns a few surgical centers. Rev between their accounts is $2-2.5mm with $7-8 mm in AR Merchant has approx $1.7mm in mca debt and **** credit. Wants to get rid of his mca debt potentially using his AR but if using a factoring company , their ucc would need to be subordinate, which no one is okay with. No SBA and doesnt want to use property...yet. So im dead in the water I think What would you guys do ? Any direction you guys suggest I look into ? Thanks
    16 replies | 1049 view(s)
  • ONEFUND's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 01:39 PM
    Business in HVAC 3-3.5M annually in gross receipts 600 fico score Has one position with a reputable lender. Merchant lowered payment over 6 months ago and the lender never asked them to go back on orig. payments. Payments were lowered due to a temporary hardship within the business. Their balance is now 16K. He's now trying to get a deal in the 75-100k range 8+ months and is having trouble finding one that doesn't get killed in final. Any ideas on who might jump on this file?
    10 replies | 1076 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 02:19 AM
    For me last shabbos, the local mashgiach was staying over so before we went to the rabbis we got drunk and I put him on the dialer to call merchants! He got managed to get a couple subs in too!
    8 replies | 1019 view(s)
  • Peter Parker's Avatar
    07-16-2024, 12:06 PM
    Hey everyone, I spoke with a client making around $80,000 to $100,000. He already has options for an 8% loan and is interested in anything less than that, as well as a line of credit. To the older guy, I know it's Tuesday; your magic lamp won't work. I don't want anything to work, I just want to see if there is anything that can be less than 8%. If yes then tell me what information you need from him. I hook you up with it.
    17 replies | 535 view(s)
  • davedamoneyman's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 01:18 PM
    Hi everyone, I’m working on a construction deal with a merchant consistently generating about $700K a month. He is seeking a $300K term loan. The only collateral he has is his primary residence, valued at approximately $1.1M. Additionally, he has about $3.1M in receivables currently under contract. If anyone can assist with this type of financing, it would be greatly appreciated :)
    12 replies | 621 view(s)
  • blizzardfunding's Avatar
    07-24-2024, 05:15 PM
    ATTENTION Fearless funders and boisterous brokers ! Get ready for the most epic event in MCA history—our first-ever Merchant Meetup, where severely under-qualified merchants with the wildest expectations possible battle to the death (yes, you read that right) for a 1.10 ! Picture this: All the "who's whos" of MCA gather in the dinghy, dimly lit basement of what was a Queens NY Chinese Take-Out, before it's doors were forced closed by the Default Judgment. Enter 30 of the most ridiculously under qualified merchants you can imagine. Some unfamiliar, others notable names in the space like the one and only Millard Cummings They are given nothing but Johnson's baby-oil and told the last merchant standing will receive 60% of their monthly revenue at a 1.10 over 36 weeks- stakes that many of these merchants have only DREAMED of. Will the ow-rev Cali Auto-Sales Sole Prop with a a pending judgment take the crown? Or will it be the 2-unit Utah Trucker currently in a reverse? Join us for a night of hilarity, absurdity, and vicious combat as the most ambitious (and delusional) merchants fight for the deal of a lifetime.... Suggestions welcome. Firm on location, Date is TBD ✌️
    9 replies | 521 view(s)
  • brokerCompany's Avatar
    07-09-2024, 10:37 AM
    Any good lead sources to buy from that dont sell to 100 different groups.
    6 replies | 987 view(s)
  • Cavalafundingsolutions's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 02:44 PM
    Who funds 1st on trucking ? 200k average rev. Strong balances, 13 units on safer Need a good deal on 40-50k good term. Credit about 650
    7 replies | 717 view(s)
  • OnestoCapitalGroup's Avatar
    07-19-2024, 01:11 PM
    We are a brokerage seeking a lender that funds high risk files. Recently we have received a handful of merchants with sub 500 credit. Trying to find someone who works with these types of files. Thank you!
    7 replies | 652 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-27-2024, 03:57 PM
    I'm looking for a company that would be willing to use a residential property as collateral for a business loan. I'm currently onboard with TVT and WBL. I want to add a couple others that can bridge some of the gaps between these companies. WBL's rates are too high right now and TVT has good rates but not the best approvals and they strongly prefer to use commercial properties.
    10 replies | 569 view(s)
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    07-09-2024, 05:39 PM
    IF I CATCH YOU SELLING MY DEALS TO ANYONE ELSE... WELL… Let’s just say the last guy I bought state of the art, real time leads from… he makes animal balloons at girl scout graduations full time now, when he’s not in physical therapy. I don’t need to explain my collection tactics to you…. -- We find that exclusive MCA leads are a question of motivation – minus saturation. And the best way to acquire them is to generate them yourself. And we can help you. (816) 205-8268
    8 replies | 973 view(s)
  • SimonFunds2025's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 11:00 AM
    what are your thoughts on Thriveway? does anyone have a contact number for them ?
    8 replies | 440 view(s)
  • AMG914's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 11:34 AM
    Have a file for a client that previously consolidated an MCA. Banks are solid for 2024 with good deposits. They are looking for smaller MCA/funding. Let me know if you can help on this one.
    9 replies | 647 view(s)
  • 8figurevision's Avatar
    06-26-2024, 11:58 PM
    Merchant deposits $4 million a month in sales, and keeps $400-600K running balance. They sell their own software that is a payment system (perhaps better stated as payment rails) to retailers, ecommerce stores, and more. Their bank statements show edeposits froma wide array of clients, like the above. Some health and wellness stores deposit to their account, education centers, digital stores, digital libraries, boutique online stores, and even processing companies are paying them what appears to be royalties or something similar on a consistent basis. Hundreds of deposits per month per statement. Needs a home for first position. Tried all name brand 1st position MCAs (i.e. Kapitus, Rapid, National) and they declined due to industry. Most are declining because they are confusing the merchant as a credit card processing company or credit card processing funder (i.e. Credit card split), and won't look any further. Here's an analogy to describe what they do. Microsoft, Inc designed a software called Microsoft Office, which has a suite of products like Word, Excel, etc. They sell it to Best Buy and Staples and Office Max. Each of those retailers pays Microsoft royalties every time the Office suite is sold off their shelves. That's what this company does. Problem is, funders are confusing the merchant for being Best Buy, not Microsoft. Any funder willing to play ball?
    7 replies | 536 view(s)
  • milestonecapitalfunding's Avatar
    07-17-2024, 07:10 PM
    Screenshot says it all levi from surfside capital can smd from the back. He backdoored my $200k deal to westwood, when i requested contracts he sent it and then resent it cheaper through westwood then when i called him out on it he says "its not backdooring its communicating" yeahhhh if thats the case your fatehr should've "communicated" with your mom before you were born scammmmmer.
    5 replies | 946 view(s)
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