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  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 05:08 AM
    Just FYI...any factoring A/R that is over 90 days goes back to the merchant to collect.[/QUOTE Not in all cases. It depends on the terms of recourse and if it's a recourse or non-recourse deal. If it's non-recourse the factor owns the invoice and the risk is on the factor. Recourse: If the terms of recourse are 60 days past due date the invoices can go past 90 days to the terms. If they do extend past terms the invoice is sold back to the company or replaced with another invoice. If a % of all invoices with the end customer go past recourse date-all invoices may become ineligible.
    9 replies | 146 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 04:41 AM
    Yes-Non-Banks can be more flexible and sometimes faster than traditional banks, but not in all cased. Most of the top non-bank SBA lenders are NOT depository institution, but borrow money FROM traditional banks. Most of the top non-bank SBA lenders in the US borrow money from large banks nd super regional banks. Same guys for other NON-BANK finance companies like factors. They also borrow money from bank. That being said, non-banks have rules too......
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • LeadGirl's Avatar
    Today, 12:30 AM
    Hi There- I have been providing quality MCA leads to many brokers in the industry. I’m quite knowledgeable and can assist you with how to market the data. Yes… there are good MCA leads out there for the sceptics. I have many repeat buyers who purchase weekly and are growing their companies all the way to the bank! Good leads make the world of difference. Call me and I’ll show you. (954) 827-4511
    6 replies | 654 view(s) | |
  • LeadGirl's Avatar
    Today, 12:05 AM
    Let’s meet in person since you have a lot of invalid things to say. I’d love to meet you! Call me �� (954) 817-4511
    24 replies | 7476 view(s) | |
  • LeadGirl's Avatar
    Today, 12:03 AM
    I don’t know who you are friend, but it’s those who don’t know how to convert data are the ones who complain. Landfall Media acquired a new publishing company in April 2024. With growth, came rebrand, and we birthed the name Klover Data. Show me any data company going strong for over 18 years in the business, and I’ll give you Free leads for life. Those others you say who called us Landfill, I beg to differ. Tell them to call me and I’ll show them how good my leads are. I am proud to be a partner at Klover Data! Any one who has worked with me, or knows me personally, will speak of my stellar customer service and my reputation. (954) 817-4511
    24 replies | 7476 view(s) | |
  • LeadGirl's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:55 PM
    I appreciate that!!! ��
    24 replies | 7476 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:54 PM
    Here is some more information that may help you understand SBA loans and options: SBA banks vs. non bank SBA lenders I'd like to highlight some differences in SBA loans and lenders. Most of you have experience with SBA banks. However you should start looking into non-bank lenders for your SBA loans. Non bank SBA lenders are more flexible in their underwriting. Non-Bank Lenders An SBA non-bank lender is a financial institution that does not accept customer deposits. Their sole reason for existing is to lend money to eligible small businesses in their community. On the other hand, a bank is a financial institution that solicits monetary deposits from their customers and in turn loans these funds to other customers such as individuals and businesses seeking capital for a variety of reasons including starting or expanding a business. Banks solicit deposits from their customers for two reasons: Number one to meet the Federal Reserve’s capital reserve requirements to ensure satisfactory liquidity levels and number two because deposited funds in a demand deposit account, or what is commonly referred to as a checking account, are the lowest cost of funds. Government Regulation Due to increased government regulatory oversight it is typically more difficult to qualify for a small business loan from a traditional bank than it is from an SBA non-bank lender. Therefore, seeking capital from an SBA non-bank lender may be to your advantage due to the fact that non-bank lenders typically possess less stringent underwriting guidelines and do not require you to move your deposit relationship to them; which is time consuming and sometimes undesirable if you particularly like your depository institution. A non bank SBA lender will allow you to collateralize business and personal assets. A SBA bank will need to collateralize commercial property. Some examples I've seen and done. I got a guy in Hawaii $350,000 SBA 7A putting a third UCC on his primary residence for collateral as he leased his office and warehouse. I saw a company get a $2M SBA loan collateralizing all of their $10M equipment in Brazil. Typically a SBA bank might require 3 years management experience in buying a business where I've seen a non bank lender require only one year experience. I have approvals require collateralize all of a clients vehicles. I was able to go back to the credit committee/underwriting and have them release the requirement for liens on the vehicles and maintain the same approval. I have done a lot of these loans and many brokers have reached out to me with their frustration doing SBA loans. Yes you do need to do some financial analysis when reviewing the package. And it helps to have the merchant connect you with their accountant or bookkeeper for documentation needed.
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • Collinscash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:24 PM
    Hey everyone! Is your client running a fitness business and in need of funding to expand, renovate, or upgrade equipment? Look no further! Smart Business Funding is here to help you achieve your business goals with ease. Why Choose Smart Business Funding? Fast Approvals: Get their funding approved quickly and efficiently. Flexible Terms: Tailored solutions that fit their specific business needs. High Approval Amounts: We can approve up to $5M, providing the financial boost their business needs to thrive. Personalized Support: Our team of experts is here to guide them through every step of the process. How Can Smart Business Funding Help Your Fitness Business? Whether your client need to purchase new fitness equipment, renovate the facility, or expand their services, Smart Business Funding offers the financial support to make it happen. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the fitness industry and are committed to helping them succeed. Get Started Today! Don't let financial constraints hold your client's fitness business back. Contact Smart Business Funding today and discover how we can support their growth and success. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to start the application process. We look forward to helping their business reach new heights! 20515 NE 22ND AVE MIAMI FL 33180 1-866-Re-Smart (1-866-73-76278) 347-402-1650
    0 replies | 19 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:59 PM
    All his deals are white labeled via newco. I think he syndicates too?
    2 replies | 134 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:54 PM
    You are so very much mis-informed. Hybrid loans that we offered as a direct lender were a cross combination of a term loan and had nothing to do with Kevin. I am here to help brokers and merchants look for alternative financing away from MCA high cost product as many who have reached out to me have learned. Lastly, if you can't figure out how to gently be kind, figure out how to kindly be quiet.
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:36 PM
    This the same Levi that was with Pearl back in the day? Guys a punk, all 5 foot 5 of him.
    2 replies | 134 view(s) | |
  • milestonecapitalfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:10 PM
    Screenshot says it all levi from surfside capital can smd from the back. He backdoored my $200k deal to westwood, when i requested contracts he sent it and then resent it cheaper through westwood then when i called him out on it he says "its not backdooring its communicating" yeahhhh if thats the case your fatehr should've "communicated" with your mom before you were born scammmmmer.
    2 replies | 134 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:39 PM
    I think someone called fundsofast does them per previous posts on df.
    3 replies | 110 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:38 PM
    You're trying to check Kevin a man of integrity with a solid rep in the abl space. You're just a liar, bro.
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:32 PM
    Breakout used to do this, but they're MUCH more picky these days, both with brokers and deals. What type of "lender" are you looking for? I think that Breakout is a loan, not an MCA (technically), but are you looking for a different product other than an MCA? Because tons of non-MCA products will do $0 net, and pure refi.
    3 replies | 110 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:27 PM
    You don't contrribute any constructive resources with your blather. So put me on your ignore list please. There are plenty of people on this site that can verify my experience and credentials.
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • nati's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:26 PM
    nati replied to a thread Loc cs 780 in Deal Bin
    hey, my name Nati, we can get him a 500k line of credit easily, feel free to reach out. Midwestern Financial Solutions BDO (305) 239-7681 email-* Where your box ends ours begins.
    4 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:24 PM
    Dude you're so full of spit. Your linkedin states Aug 2015 to march 2021 you were a senior loan officer at a company that you can't name. That is "confidential" as a loan officer. That's complete bull****. That's the same time period when you solicited business here as a "direct lender". Why? Look at the old post I posted that got you banned, and the job as a senior loan officer on your linkedin. It's offering the same bull**** hybrid loans product. No funder offers term loans, hybrid loans, and mcas. You were obviously a deceptive iso who got banned here for posing as a lender. And I retract my statement it seems you are still deceptive in regards to being full of **** since you just stated that you worked for a direct lender for 5 years, which is in fact bs.
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:20 PM
    Bro....I have more experience doing SBA loans and I think I made it perfectly clear. And yes I worked for a direct lender for 5 years, and also he was also doing MCA's (and I did the SBA. term loans, etc). The owner choose not to be on this site and give license information - his choice not mine. I have helped a lot of brokers and suggesting they go direct for SBA loans, IMHO is not a good use of their time, resources and very limited experience. Can we say enough said about this stuff....
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:14 PM
    My company will pay off one or 2 small positions to go into second position or 3rd if it is a clean file with good funders if it qualifies and makes sense to do so. Scott Platto 212-220-9872
    3 replies | 110 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:11 PM
    In 2015 or 2016 you posted here acting like a DIRECT LENDER for mcas and term loans. Post: You got banned. Then you somehow got unbanned by admin and began soliciting broker business for sbas. You've showed your deceptive side in the past, but you seem to have changed. But, at least, you're honest and pay brokers. I dont think you should even talk back to Kevin and say you have more experience in the sba realm. You look like an idiot Steve. You've been doing sbas for what, 3 or 4 years?
    19 replies | 215 view(s) | |
  • Quickfunder's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:07 PM
    Someone had mentioned in here a lender or two who were willing to consolidate without merchant needing to net. Am unable to find the post. Also looking for lenders who can remove some of the positions while leaving the larger ones in place. Thanks in advance.
    3 replies | 110 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:02 PM
    Y bring this thread up again?
    42 replies | 7689 view(s) | |
  • mca2150's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:21 PM
    Were we hacked again? Centrex not working.
    42 replies | 7689 view(s) | |
  • DailyCloser's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:03 PM
    Trey, what happened with this thread, do we have any updates? Is the data leak fixed or is it still going on?
    42 replies | 7689 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:47 PM
    Just FYI...any factoring A/R that is over 90 days goes back to the merchant to collect.
    9 replies | 146 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:46 PM
    We can stop speculating, the AR is from private home builders. It's all private and none of it is factorable. He's a general contractor for luxury home building. He does a lot of homes at once and he gets paid in chunks. I appreciate the call OP.
    9 replies | 146 view(s) | |
  • JonathanHendrix's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:39 PM
    95 replies | 48295 view(s) | |
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:39 PM
    Centrex just crash for everybody?
    42 replies | 7689 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:17 PM
    Need to look at the AR Aging because something does not make sense. The prospect is billing $700K/month and has $3Mil of AR outstanding. A bunch of that AR must be over 90 days and likely ineligible.
    9 replies | 146 view(s) | |
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