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  • BlakeGodwin's Avatar
    Today, 10:38 AM
    Thats all you have to say about everything that was posted? Wow
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 10:36 AM
    So now all GCC employee's coming to add. Mike the big default is yours which I paid you extra on that deal
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 10:18 AM
    $250K 7A if qualifies I have one bank that has done them in 25 days Not sure the urgency Bolt will be faster if qualifies but not to the amount they want (Credit Bench) To review: I need 2 years tax returns business and personal 6 months bank statements P & L and balance sheet for 23 and YTD 24 Debt schedule Use of funds Reach out if you want.
    3 replies | 66 view(s) | |
  • BlakeGodwin's Avatar
    Today, 09:49 AM
    Oh Mike... The merchant called us yesterday saying he got another 100k from you. We didn't believe him since obviously we never heard anything about this from you so we called you and asked and you proceeded to call us "****ing crazy" among many other things, we told you we were going to get MTD and the contracts for that deal from the merchant and you said "have at it I didn't fund it"... well who would have guessed we get the contracts and it was you all! Last thing I wanted to do was resort to posting on a forum when a simple phone call could have solved this but your buddy Ron blocked us all and you just keep ducking my calls which has never happened until you knew you got caught... This whole thing is pretty funny, if you look back on some of Mikes previous DF post you will see him calling GCC one of his top brokers and looking for us to back him up when people called him a broker. Admin should block this guy from soliciting for ISO submissions, the first five deals we funded with him were funded under separate established platforms MMP, TSM ETC so obviously hes not a funder but we were getting paid and deals were getting done so we didn't care. Everyone always hears stories of getting screwed over in this industry and its never happened to us because we try and handle everything with respect. We can't help the deals you chose to fund and if you ever let us know of problems with them we tried our best to rectify the situation and get them back on track. We don't owe you anything for clawbacks. We got most of our deals back on track and caught up and you proceeded to go behind our back and funded a 100k deal and lied to our faces about it. If you all send deals to this guy I would strongly recommend stopping... Never know when he is going to wake up angry and decide to fund your deals behind your back. This specific merchant had had 4 deals with them and never missed a beat. Attaching photos here showing communications between our rep and Mike on the day he funded the 100k along with a few messages I have already received from funders saying they get subs from them and they send their own deals to debt settlement.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • jtsfunding's Avatar
    Today, 09:30 AM
    :) See Mike this is what separates men from little boys like yourself, I tried reaching out to you and Ron multiple times yesterday to figure out what was going on professionally yet you decide to be a little keyboard warrior here on DF, but no worries! I will continue to shame you all here as it is good for the people to see! Let me start with 7 Defaults... out of the 14 deals we have funded with you I count 5 Defaults only 2 of which we ever even received commission from you on for whopping total of $11.8k, not to mention over the past 2 weeks I have helped you get one back on track which made up 7k of that 11.8k. Now lets get to how you want to call that deal a renewal... I am struggling to understand why you would bold face lie to us on the phone yesterday about funding this deal if you didn't feel you have done anything wrong? Now let me get into the stacking accusation, unfortunately for you you funded all of our bad deals that we couldn't get an offer on anywhere else so there were no deals to even stack yours with (lol), either way it wasn't me that chose to send that wire, you all underwrote the deals and made the decision that you wanted to fund not I. Another great point to mention is, how can we stack you when you take 3 days to send wire after funding call and login everyday? Nearly impossible to stack under those circumstances. Now my favorite accusation, sending to debt settlement! Now why in the world would I send my own deal into debt settlement before the 30 day clawback? Doesn't make sense, but the funniest part of this whole situation is now that this is out there the amount of people reaching out to us saying you all actually send deals to debt settlement! So sense you all choose not to speak on the phone we can discuss and break everything down here out in the open, and I will start by saying I could care less about the commission a measly 10k is not worth my time, however what is worth my time is making sure scum like yourself gets called out where its needed. You are a sorry excuse for a man and couldn't even tell the truth when confronted about funding this deal, which speaks volumes. If you truly thought you did nothing wrong and were buying down our "clawbacks", then you would have voiced that when you spoke to me briefly before I received the contract from the merchant but instead you chose to continue to lie straight through your teeth, shows a lot about your character. I will admit I did take advantage of you and your pitiful underwriting processes where you missed defaults and many other things, but hey at the end of the day business is business and I wanted to fund and you were dumb enough to send that wire :) But as far as my calculations go, I have here that you still owe me 13.7k, again would love to discuss with you all as professional men but it seems you all are still choosing to duck calls and be keyboard warriors like some little children.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    Today, 08:22 AM
    They had 7 deals default, or they had 7 deals default in the first 30 days?? You’re already contradicting your own statements here. Pretty obvious you do bad business, all it took was a search of your name on the daily funder. Posts on here of you doing shady stuff since 2019, I’m sure even before then.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 08:13 AM
    NameCheap told you a good story - if a domain is parked it will not land on SpamHaus List :)
    9 replies | 148 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 08:04 AM
    If file supports - check into Bolt Express which funds up to $200K (case by case) or go with SBA -$500K up to $5M Or look for Bank Term Loan -
    3 replies | 66 view(s) | |
  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Today, 07:54 AM
    What type of underline asset? What is the Current cap stack? What is the FMV? What is the Rent Roll? What is the PITI?
    3 replies | 66 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 07:12 AM
    First, that was not an issue of sending from primary domain. You should not use your primary domain for anything but hosting your website, because if you email from it (even just basic emailing) and people mark your email as SPAM, then your entire domain could become backlisted and then Google will not trust your domain and in turn not let people/traffic to your site, without a warning to not proceed. Second, it had nothing to do with sending emails from NameCheap's servers (we don't use them to send from). I never got confirmation from NameCheap as to the source of the problem (they wouldn't admit their fault) but from what I gathered at the time it had to do with where the domain was parked after it was purchased.... those servers were tainted and in turn your domain then becomes blacklisted.... guilty by association. Hope that helped answer your question.
    9 replies | 148 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 12:30 AM
    Because John oh I mean Zonefund you know we funded these within a week of each other and haven't funded anything from you guys since.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 12:24 AM
    Zonefund how about you put your money where your mouth is, I bet you 10k I fund under my own platform and my own money and contracts, I'll bet you another 10k they did have 7 deals default. Stop hiding behind your keyboard, if you are so confident you are right take my money! See if you are a man or what we all know you are.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 12:16 AM
    Never fear zonefund is we paid him and you see he is talking about a renewal so explain how a broker is funding on his own platform and using his own contracts..dont worry i ll wait...
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • EssentialFundingGroup's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:32 PM
    Sorry for the late response here. We are NOT a rebrand of Mantis. Here at Essential Funding Group, we fund direct to merchant via iso channels. We do not broker or cobroker nor do we have a super broker shop. Strictly iso partnership business. Your job as a broker is your job and my job is to get you the best approval possible in my box(our uw parameters). We are actively onboarding ISOS for those who are interested in filling a void in their funder list in the B-D MCA paper 30-180 days (weekly possible) 10-12pts on the funded max upsold based on risk. ** FYI we are running a promotion 1 extra point on your deals funded for the remainder of July ** 2nd position and up Feel free to call me at anytime. Or email me. Richard Kim Managing Partner 917-983-3145 Essential Funding Group
    1 replies | 729 view(s) | |
  • Avi joe's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:28 PM
    This thread is a perfect picture of the industry
    49 replies | 3069 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:20 PM
    This sounds like live action Mortal Kombat. Weapon choices are: -Oil filter -chef knife -Gold chain whip -Titanium hard hat -Car wash rag with ammonia -Logger buzz saw -Sign board with Thunderstruck logo -Heavy bag of Sarver Candy -Industrial waste pump -Plumbing wrench -Dental drill -Concrete mixing truck -Cease and Desist letters -Toe nail clipper (the one Martin used on Gina) -Triple bladed Lawnmower -Chlorine filled Pool Net Let's see if any of the veterans here get some of the merchant references.
    5 replies | 214 view(s) | |
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:58 PM
    Expansion is very underrated one of the best B paper funders in the space very clean funder
    10 replies | 288 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:27 PM
    Ty admin. Hopefully he didn't make any $ off of screwing any newer/naive brokers on this forum.
    7 replies | 167 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:25 PM
    What Mike is saying is if you fund deals with him, and they default, he will keep funding other deals and backdoor you since it's not his money, he's syndicating a small % probably. Or the reality is he backdoorsball the files he gets, and successfully backdoors those where him or his reps or partner (s) can outsell the iso who subbed it (whose probably in competition with 4 3 2 5 6 20 brokers. Being a broker isn't easy), or lose out on it and the broker never finds out since the merchant didn't share competiting offers w/ them (or they didn't push to see the other contract).
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • admin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:23 PM
    7 replies | 167 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:14 PM
    When I saw the post on them, on tap capital debate, from an iso who funded a 70 or 80k 2nd over 160 payments I believe for a file that had criminal history, I thought they were good. After signing up and sending deals I realized there's a lot better funders then them. They are no where close to Expansion.
    10 replies | 288 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:53 PM
    Why would you keep funding his deals if he behaved deceptively? If you were gonna lie about backdooring him, why didn't you at least post that you "got it from another iso"?
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:50 PM
    This man child is so full of ****. How old are you? 25? You want us to believe your lie, that 7 of his deals defaulted? Why would you continue funding his deals, and, paying him (the moment you don't pay him on a deal he would cut you off since you'd **** him, if you bad a clawback you wouldn't Fund a 2nd or 3rd deal if he didn't pay it). Why would you Fund more of his deals Mike if they all performed bad? It's because you white labeled with multiple funders.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:45 PM
    You're a broker. You're using someone else's money and platform. You probably make a few points a deal, or more if you syndicate on good ones, or if you charge higher fees. **** outta here.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:43 PM
    No ****. I warned the DF. 2 members confirmed with me via PM he was a broker.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Collinscash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:30 PM
    Are you looking for a reliable funding solution to recommend to your clients who own liquor stores? Look no further! Smart Business Funding offers quick and easy liquor store business funding that ensures your clients get the capital they need without the complications of traditional fundings. Why Smart Business Funding? Expertise: Smart Business Funding has extensive experience in providing tailored funding solutions specifically for liquor stores. They understand the unique challenges and needs of this industry. Speed: Time is money. Smart Business Funding provides a streamlined application process with fast approval times, ensuring your clients can access funds when they need them most. Flexibility: They offer a variety of funding options, including merchant cash advances, business credit cards, and equity financing. Your clients can choose the best solution for their specific business needs. Trustworthiness: With transparent terms and excellent customer service, Smart Business Funding is committed to helping your clients succeed. Benefits for you: Satisfied Clients: By recommending Smart Business Funding, you help your clients secure the necessary capital quickly, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. Increased Referrals: Happy clients are more likely to refer other business owners to you, expanding your network and increasing your potential client base. Enhanced Reputation: Partnering with a reputable funding provider like Smart Business Funding boosts your credibility as a broker who connects clients with reliable and effective solutions. How to Get Started Visit Smart Business Funding: Learn more about their funding options and services by visiting Smart Business Funding. Connect with a Representative: Reach out to a Smart Business Funding representative to discuss your clients' specific needs and find the best funding solution. Refer Your Clients: Guide your clients to Smart Business Funding and help them through the application process for a smooth and efficient experience. Don't let your clients miss out on the opportunity to secure the funds they need to grow and thrive in their liquor store businesses. Partner with Smart Business Funding today and provide them with the quick and easy business funding solutions they deserve! 20515 NE 22ND AVE MIAMI FL 33180 1-866-Re-Smart (1-866-73-76278) 347-402-1650
    0 replies | 13 view(s)
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:11 PM
    Funny that you choice to leave out the part that 7 of your deals defaulted before 30 days and you owe us 19,850.00 in clawbacks. Just to set the record straight you were not paid on 1 renewal of 8,000.00 because of the outstanding balance that is owed. Where do I start with GCC Gulf Coast Capital, do I bring up how you stacked most of these deal to where the merchant defaults on me within 2 weeks? Or do I bring up how the merchants somehow ended up with the same debt settlements company after being stacked beyond return? If you like we can put everything out on here names of merchants that defaulted with amounts and the debt settlement company that just happens to call the merchants that coincidently come from GCC. I would focus your energy on paying us back on these defaults.
    14 replies | 386 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:14 PM
    Curt can do A/R on construction but needs to take out the MCA's. Curt Powell Vice President of Sales 2510 Solway Road Knoxville, TN 37931 Cell: (865)363-1591 Direct: (865)333-8890 I can do cash out on the commercial properties. And also do a second lien. Tell them to go to a local credit union and get a HELOC on their primary residence - home equity line of credit.
    5 replies | 100 view(s) | |
  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:06 PM
    I LOVE YOUR BREAKDOWN! I am heavily interested in this file and I have the connections that can handle progress billing, retainage, & bonded type of AR to build a proper ABL.
    5 replies | 100 view(s) | |
  • jtsfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:01 PM
    I hate to bad mad mouth other people in the same space as me, but these guys have really done it in for me. Ron Shusterman and Mike Mendez with Foretrust funding and Gemini funding are some of the shadiest individuals in the space. With plenty of controversy surrounding them in previous daily funder posts from other individuals whether or not they are brokers themselves rather than real lenders I always stood up for them until this point. I am here to confirm that they are in fact BROKERS as well as funders, we have funded a deal with them multiple times under Gemini and come to find out they went behind our back and funded him again without our knowledge and when confronted they lied straight to our face, we have confirmed with the merchant using MTD and a copy of the contract that was coming from Foretrust that they in fact did go behind our back and get in touch with our merchant to fund him this deal and not to pay commission. This is not the first issue we have run into with them and lying about payments made in order to not pay out commission, but this is the final straw for me. I advise everyone to stay far away from these guys, if they are going to go behind our back to fund a merchant I cant help but assume they are also stealing every file we have sent to them whether they are brokering it out to fund them selves or selling the files off as packaged apps. Either way this is disgusting and these guys are the main reason this industry is so frowned upon. If you are not capable of originating your own deals let alone payout your brokers for bringing you deals you do not deserve to be in business. Everyone else feel free to share your negative experience(s) with this group of individuals in the thread
    14 replies | 386 view(s)
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