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  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 03:39 PM
    There are several New Domain Extensions that a Financial Broker may utilize to "Brand" your phone number, personal name, or business name. Examples of New gTLD Extensions: Many Revenue Based Finance Brokers Are Seeking The Best Lead Source The answer are Leads You Generate from your own efforts. One method is to create multiple (100 or 1000's) Sub-Domains web sites with a contact form to generate leads. Thru organic SEO the web sites will be indexed by search engines and the 1000's of smaller directories over time. All Domain(s) Purchased Included The Following Linux Server Hosting - VPS (Virtual Private Server) 1 Domain Registration SSL Certificate Domain Privacy Unlimited Web Space Unlimited Bandwidth Unlimited Subdomains - Great For Organic SEO - Creating Landing Pages Unlimited MySQL Databases Hosted Email Unlimited Mail Lite Mailboxes, Unlimited Email Forwarders Advanced DNS FTP / File Manager Root Access Control Panel Access Hosted Microsoft Exchange Email Account $995.00 Per Year
    0 replies | 2 view(s)
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 03:36 PM
    This.. like why? Are people just not able to clear background with real funders and roll the dice with random shi$ bags? I dont get it, someone enlighten me.
    6 replies | 180 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 03:27 PM
    Just a heads up mexican, this is a broker. Are you a direct lender now Nick?
    6 replies | 166 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 03:26 PM
    Did they stop funding in house? 24 cap aka symplified does the same thing. Lendora has given me some nice reverses. I dont use them for straight deals. Perhaps they broker those.
    4 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • SendDocsPlox's Avatar
    Today, 03:19 PM
    2MM+ Solo, not counting a Team they likely have under them
    9 replies | 488 view(s) | |
  • Russell's Avatar
    Today, 03:13 PM
    it's the same guy as hybrid advance and blue rock capital, search on dailyfunder for those 2 companies for the answer to your question
    1 replies | 29 view(s) | |
  • Seesaw2022's Avatar
    Today, 03:08 PM
    how much is a top closer funding a month ?
    9 replies | 488 view(s) | |
  • Robinhood21's Avatar
    Today, 02:58 PM
    Hello all what are your thoughts on family funding group? Experience with them?
    1 replies | 29 view(s)
  • Seth Davis's Avatar
    Today, 02:02 PM
    That's how you hotbox, deprive yourself of oxygen and only inhale the serendipitous smoke for peak performance
    31 replies | 2607 view(s) | |
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    Today, 01:46 PM
    Lendora's been doing this for months. We caught their hand in the cookie jar a few months ago and stopped sending files since. Bad situation all around
    4 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Today, 01:45 PM
    He does have an interesting way of turning simple subjects into colorful ones. - Large sales volume merchants filling out YOUR Application.
    5 replies | 315 view(s) | |
  • NeedmoreISOS's Avatar
    Today, 12:50 PM
    I enjoyed this, you really took me on ride with the narration. I envision the voice of Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street. I am open to see where the ship sails. Leads make the world go round, Now you just need 1 more.
    5 replies | 315 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Today, 12:37 PM
    There's definitely some cost savings in that strategy, although your lungs might say otherwise in 10 years, but why have the windows closed?
    31 replies | 2607 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Today, 12:11 PM
    Great conversations. Looking for 1 or 2 more.
    5 replies | 315 view(s) | |
  • NickHubbard's Avatar
    Today, 11:03 AM
    Nathan Capital Group |
    6 replies | 166 view(s) | |
  • NeedmoreISOS's Avatar
    Today, 10:32 AM
    Oh boy, another one bites the dust. What was the size of deal & also who did they fund your deal with?
    4 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • NeedmoreISOS's Avatar
    Today, 10:27 AM
    NeedmoreISOS replied to a thread Newtek in Business Loans
    Very fair rates giving on there term product option, correct they have dissolved their LOC product. In replace you have the AR lines which can work in the favor of the merchant. I would suggest using them if you can't find a back-up.
    3 replies | 72 view(s) | |
  • DavidBau's Avatar
    Today, 10:19 AM
    DavidBau replied to a thread Newtek in Business Loans
    In the process for 2 term loans - I'll let you know how they turn out
    3 replies | 72 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 10:08 AM
    People need to just stick to well respected known funders, just asking for it doing otherwise.
    4 replies | 348 view(s) | |
  • Oxforddan's Avatar
    Today, 09:46 AM
    Oxforddan replied to a thread Newtek in Business Loans
    I do about 20-40m a year with them. They don't have a LOC product aside from their AR lines which there are better options for elsewhere. The only thing they have that is useful is the SBA product. Which will be the highest rate around so they can sell off the portfolio. With that being said they do get a decent amount of deals done for me however the level of communication leaves a lot to be desired.
    3 replies | 72 view(s) | |
  • sergio450's Avatar
    Today, 09:36 AM
    sergio450 started a thread Newtek in Business Loans
    Has anyone actually funded a Term Loan or LOC with Newtek? I am curious about their rates and terms. Any feedback is appreciated.
    3 replies | 72 view(s)
  • taylormadefunds's Avatar
    Today, 07:42 AM
    try working with companies that people have heard of... if due diligence isnt done thats on you
    6 replies | 180 view(s) | |
  •'s Avatar
    Today, 05:52 AM
    Lendora is a Thief Shop. Careful, they are NOT a direct funder, but they are a broker After we funded a deal with them, we noticed that they are a broker not a funder and they split our commission to a half and disclosed that they are a broker. its been over a month now and they don't send our commission nor responded to our emails, Communications were horrible, no respect, no professional courtesy , that 's the worse shop I've ever dealt with From our experiences, Pls. Don't send deals to them:mad:
    4 replies | 348 view(s)
  • Inquisitive's Avatar
    Today, 12:42 AM
    Personal experience is they’re awful but that’s just my shops opinion.
    3 replies | 879 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 12:30 AM
    Sent you a PM
    2 replies | 63 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 12:18 AM
    Amazing what occurs in this industry.
    6 replies | 180 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 12:05 AM
    They are an Registered ISO or a Merchant Account Sales Office?
    2 replies | 116 view(s) | |
  • DonMcGrath's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:27 PM
    Whereth dost thou seeth thith barbaric paragrath limitation? And twas merely a glass of Bailey's that you smellth on my breath..... and possibly a few mocha mojitos
    5 replies | 315 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:30 PM
    Dumbleads what are you all jacked up on Folgers Instant? The DF has a 1 paragraph limit. You know better.
    5 replies | 315 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:49 PM
    This is correct. To add, 25% -35% is typical and that’s when good leads are provided, along with a base or draw, and the usual company support systems like crm, phone, email address, admin, processor. 40% - 50% is very generous and extremely unlikely when good leads are being provided. The three scenarios I've seen this occur: -A company offers this to agents on their first few deals to give them an incentive and something to reach, and to help them get money in their pocket faster -A company deliberately overpays to keep turnover down and loyalty up because they only hirer superstars and they never want them thinking of going anywhere else -A company doesn't realize they're overpaying and when they do, they correct it, either by changing the structure, or releasing the agent. Other compensation structures I've seen: $450 a week and 2 points on each deal (about 20% commission) $300 a week and 35% commission Usually a Lead Budget $300 a week and 10% commission Heavy Lead Budget Large lender - $60,000 annual salary and 1 point on a deal -Heavy budget on Leads -Agents have a funding quota -They also have a limited amount of time to work and close lead before it gets reassigned to another coworker. When the company you work for spends heavily on leads, your position becomes less about sales and more about identifying motivations and managing your time with the right merchants Some places (like formerly Yellowstone) used to make Agents rent their seat. They had a very heavy lead budget Agent - 35% Leads - 20% House - 30% Overhead - 15% In this breakdown, the agent is making the most money. Many times the house feels they should be splitting commission equally with the Agent. Lead costs can be as high as 30-40% sometimes, and overhead can go up to 25% (I've seen shops that have a chef for the team). From a business perspective, it's not really feasible to give an agent more than 35%. Now if the agent is just cold calling and the lead budget is minimal (just aged data lists), you can see agents making 40-50%. The house has less risk typically because they're not spending as much money, so they don't mind giving more to the agent, who's doing most of the prospecting work at that time. – Large sales volume merchants filling out your application.
    9 replies | 488 view(s) | |
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