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  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Today, 02:24 PM
    I had nothing against Diana you just work there. But don't gaslight our conversation and jump into "Broker starts verbally harassing us" Explain why I verbally got upset. I called the MERCHANT to find out what the situation was and there was a payroll issue waiting for a check to clear, but it cleared. WE (the broker) made sure that the merchant fixed the situation and paid ONTAP. Now the merchant has triple sitting in his account and is paying you ON TIME everyday. Because of that, you said you will see if we can get paid friday, so I called on thursday to confirm and Jay said we wont be able to get paid until the 17th. Pissed off and irate I further tried to understand and he said he will see what he can do. I called back and said this is a "problematic file" and a "default" and we would not be able to get paid until the backend of the deal. Now Im furious, and ONLY because of that frustration is the reason I brought up this DEBATE to discuss opinions and options with other experienced brokers. A DEBATE is not slander. Our contract clearly states clawback period is 30days and we should've originally been paid within 7 business days. Now I get the need to want to see if things get current and you want to hold off on paying. But waiting until 160days is finished is not anywhere in our contract. The only people in default in my opinion is ONTAP. You agreed to take on this risk and responsibility, and the merchant is compliant and paying daily. Where is the respect for the broker. There isn't any! You're PENALIZING the broker for something the MERCHANT has done, NOT for something the broker has. If clawback is only 30days why do we have to wait 160? We have a contract in place. Brokers are the ones bringing you deals, but you have no respect to pay the broker so they actually can take care of their business to market, bring new clients, and pay their employees. There is nothing "personal" about those reasons. OFFICE RENT OVERHEAD and BILLS need to be paid. We have done our job but you are FAULTING us as if we created or IGNORED his schedule of payments, and now our relationship is obstructed because there is no TRUST between the broker and the lender now, ESPECIALLY if a lender refuses to pay according the original contractual agreement. If the MERCHANT actually DID DEFAULT, they would be in collections. NOT still paying the Lender directly. As we are currently a few days shy of the 30day period, we as the broker should not have to continue to be subject to deal with it if our clawback period is only 30days. In my opinion, if the Merchant is paying as agreed, and there has been no further issue, the only person in default is the Lender for not paying the Broker. Don't care if that is the way things are, there should be more protections for the broker to enforce an ISO Agreement. As a broker, we should've never trusted the LENDER for a "try". Moving forward we would not trust a Lender who is afraid to pay the broker on the same day/ next day. In my opinion, that is just a ploy to X the broker out of a deal. Because let's say they actually do default, but then pay in full after default. The broker STILL won't get paid for the work they've done. Hats off to the LENDERS who don't drag brokers into the risk they agree to take, offering same day pay and ZERO clawbacks.
    41 replies | 2621 view(s) | |
  • goldenhippo80's Avatar
    Today, 12:46 PM
    If you want an all in one system, has a great power dialer along with everything else like sms and email blasts. Do a free trial, It's totally worth it for the price.
    3 replies | 80 view(s) | |
  • Dominic S's Avatar
    Today, 12:15 PM
    Who's funding previous defaults ?
    0 replies | 68 view(s)
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Today, 11:52 AM
    You'll get a better feeling buying a homeless person a meal. Don't enable the animals from keeping doing what they are doing. I'm telling you it's not legitimate.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 11:46 AM
    Thats what i was thinking honestly. Just send him a couple bucks to see. 50$ wont kill me.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • GetCapitalNow's Avatar
    Today, 11:30 AM
    No one will do what this guys is offering. Its likely impossible. I would risk $50-$100 Which can get you about 5 "leads". See if he sends it. Most likely will respond with "we have a minimum requirement" Keep us posted. If he turns out legit lol, you got a goldmine.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • goldenhippo80's Avatar
    Today, 11:22 AM
    Do not send this scammer any money. Lexicon has good data for cold calling and so does Meridian
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 11:20 AM
    We tried dumbleads, That was joke. The guy was super weird and sent us like a list of merchants who one half have been out of business for years and like half of them answered were widowed. Moved on to Cashyew. These seem a little better. Might try Meridian next?
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 11:14 AM
    He dm'ed us on IG. I asked him for a sample and he sent me like a recording of a call, A bunch of partial screenshots of a spread sheet, some merchants bank statement and a completed app. LOL. Doesn't really seem legit. But listening to the recording, the idea of getting someone prequalified on the phone who actually wants to talk sounds pretty good to me. Was thinking about sending this guy like 45$ and seeing what he could give me. Or trying some other lead sources that do similar things
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 11:10 AM
    Phoneburner is a good option.
    3 replies | 80 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • GetCapitalNow's Avatar
    Today, 11:01 AM
    My opinion, this sounds to good to be true and it probably is. Not only are they promising Live transfers, but a full file where they do the chasing for only $15 bucks a pop. Live transfers alone go for $30/ea on the low end. Ive bought these offers below multiple times. Here is what happened: 1) They never deliver and say there is an issue or just stop answering 2) you get 1 or 2 files, you get excited that it actually is true and then no more files. My advice, either pay after delivery, pay prorated amount or on a weekly basis, or take a smaller order that you don't mind losing money on to build a trust Did you get a cold email on this?
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 10:54 AM
    This is the wildcard, no leads = no business. Cultivating and building relationships with the leads vs buying scratch offs is key, you need good drip campaigns, a good online presence, not just offering MCAs etc. The best leads are real time generated leads via advertising, but comes at a steep cost. If resources are tight this can quickly bury your shop. Consider linking up with a known lead company and try a blend of older and newer aged leads, live calls etc. The legitimate companies dont email spam you about their "packs" and other "exclusive" leads.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 10:43 AM
    A little background, I was previously working with a big broker shop. About 80 guys on the sales floor. Commissions percents were god awful. They had us on 15/85 split. Recently left to start up my own with a few buddies. Never had to worry about lead sources because they were always good. I was sending about 2-4 subs a day and did about 250 calls. So the leads were pretty good. The leads we have bought the last couple times have been total dog****. So we're starting to explore our more expensive lead options.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 10:24 AM
    Live transfers can be decent, but only work with a company that you don't feel you have to post questions about. Look them up, if the social proof is there and they have a good reputation give it a shot, if you have to post questions to DF about the provider, avoid.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 10:17 AM
    This is what he sent me I highly recommend our fresh and exclusive leads. We will use your own app and we will deliver them through live calls Cost is $1500 for 100 leads Let me tell you the whole process: We will call the business owners, prequalify them based on your business requirements, send your own application and once we have all the complete documents back then we will transfer them directly to you We send the documents first before we transfer the call To insure the quality of the leads while transferring the calls we will stay on the line for 2 minutes maximum before we drop the call You will get 10 apps per day until the order is complete Lead Conditions ► In business at least 2 years ► FICO Credit Score of 620+ ► Business Revenue of at least $50,000 a month of collectible receivables for at least 90 days ► No unresolved business loan/MCA defaults or judgements ► Demonstrated payment history (where applicable) ► Business account – capital positive & capacity capable Consider adding: ► At least 12 months left on lease if renting the business location ► No open bankruptcies in the last 12 months ► Current with landlord REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: • Application (completed by at least 51% of ownership) • current business checking account MTD statement (all pages) • Copy of Driver’s License (or gov-issued ID) • Last 4 months statements (all pages) • Proof of Business Ownership • Voided check Restricted industries are as follows: Trucking of any kind Financial Services Pawn Shops Credit Repair Services Law Firms / Lawyers Adult Industries (Night Clubs, Topless Clubs) Vape Shops, Tobacco Shops, Marijuana Shops
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • greg's Avatar
    Today, 10:16 AM
    What lender can do $400k business lines of credit, LOC for a commercial construction business with $200k - $300k monthly deposits, and 660 credit scores ?
    0 replies | 39 view(s)
  • greg's Avatar
    Today, 10:02 AM
    7 replies | 400 view(s) | |
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Today, 10:01 AM
    Curious how you all handle PSFs in situations where one funder may pay a reasonable fee directly, and another good fit for a client may not pay anything, or very a very limited amount - less than you want. For example, say a client is looking for a line of credit. You've got two solid options. Funder 1 pays you directly, we'll say 5 points. Funder 2 pays 1 point, which is not where you want to be. Do you collect a PSF for the difference only for Funder 2? Collect a general PSF that provides an allowance for a credit for funder payment? I try to work with funders that pay directly so I don't have to mess with PSFs, but also want to place clients where they can get the best terms - and best likelihood of closing. And of course I'd like to be paid a reasonable amount.
    0 replies | 15 view(s)
  • MCA Simplified's Avatar
    Today, 09:55 AM
    Our CRM platform integrates with a 3-line dialer called wavv but it doesn't skip the no answers at times. We would suggest you look into Calltools. They charge pretty cheap with no user minimums. MCA Simplified 718.557.9554
    3 replies | 80 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Today, 09:37 AM
    "Transferred with completed app". Unlikely - but get clarification that.
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • PopCrumbs's Avatar
    Today, 08:48 AM
    How is he asking for payment?
    15 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 08:28 AM
    I am currently speaking to a source who says he can do 100 live transfers for $1500. He sent me a recording of a call and he basically prequalifies the merchant and transfers them to me with a completed app. Seems kinda fishy. Has anyone had any luck with these kind of sources? We're trying to move away from doing 400 calls a day on a power dialer.
    15 replies | 249 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Today, 07:15 AM
    Its called mexican funding? So do you need a closer that speaks spanish?
    2 replies | 611 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:57 PM
    We have been using Ringover, but its really slow and we have to deal with people not answering and we sit there most of the day just listening to the phone ring. We want to use something like Augutech or Convoso where it only connects when someone actually picks up. The only issue is that Augutech has a 5 seat minimum and Convoso has 20. Is there a similar product out there that small shops can use?
    3 replies | 80 view(s)
  • eflynnVegas's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:56 PM
    Looking for motivated self starting agents to join our group. If you fall in this category and are a strong CLOSER we would like to speak with you. This is not a remote position. Please send resume and correspondence to:
    0 replies | 42 view(s)
  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:22 PM
    Easy Peasy. Ship it! Can approach the file in a multitude of ways.
    6 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:01 PM
    True, it usually boils down to one of those... but that answer provides no accountability for your salespeople to improve, or to be on the winning end of that equation. – Large sales volume merchants filling out your application.
    11 replies | 485 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:41 PM
    diditevenfund replied to a thread Looking for weekly. in Deal Bin
    Weekly is not hard to come by, what is the detractor on this causing a daily? ADBs shot?
    3 replies | 541 view(s) | |
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