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  • Collinscash's Avatar
    Today, 08:03 PM
    Are you looking for the best funding solutions for your tech company clients? We understand that securing the necessary capital can be a major challenge for tech businesses. That's why we’re excited to introduce you to a fast and easy way to get tech company business funding through Smart Business Funding. Why Tech Companies Need Funding Tech companies require substantial funding to: Innovate and Develop: Invest in research and development to create cutting-edge products. Scale Operations: Expand their teams, upgrade technology, and enter new markets. Enhance Marketing and Sales: Implement effective marketing campaigns and sales strategies. How You Can Help Clients Secure Funding Identify Funding Needs Help your clients determine how much capital they need and how it will be used. Explore Funding Options Guide your clients through various funding options like venture capital, angel investors, and crowdfunding. Craft a Compelling Pitch Assist your clients in developing a strong business plan and financial projections to attract investors. Why Choose Smart Business Funding? Smart Business Funding is an excellent resource if you are looking to provide your clients with tailored funding solutions. Here’s why: Speed and Efficiency Smart Business Funding simplifies the funding process, allowing clients to access capital quickly and efficiently. Expertise and Support Our team understands the tech industry and offers expert guidance throughout the funding process. Flexible Solutions We offer a range of flexible funding options to meet the specific needs of tech companies, from short-term financing to long-term capital. By partnering with Smart Business Funding, you can help your clients secure the capital they need to innovate, scale, and succeed in the competitive tech industry. Don’t let funding challenges hold your clients back. With Smart Business Funding, you can offer them a reliable, efficient, and expert-driven solution to meet their business funding needs. Visit today to learn more and start making a difference for your tech company clients! #TechFunding #BusinessBrokers #SmartBusinessFunding #Innovation #TechGrowth 20515 NE 22ND AVE MIAMI FL 33180 1-866-Re-Smart (1-866-73-76278) 347-402-1650
    0 replies | 5 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:33 PM
    I have never seen you in a deal.
    15 replies | 551 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:32 PM
    Sam, can you provide proof you're a direct funder?
    15 replies | 551 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Today, 06:55 PM
    The article starts: Are you a small business finance broker? Here are some of the most common challenges that they report to deBanked.
    5 replies | 196 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 06:45 PM
    The article was written by the staff at DB.
    5 replies | 196 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 06:37 PM
    This is spot on. Too many have no idea what they are doing in all aspects of this business, and their numbers and resume show it. Or they just hide behind shell names and destroy merchants to make up for their shortcomings.
    5 replies | 196 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Today, 06:16 PM
    Those that have a hatred for leads in the marketplace usually are scorned from bad experiences, lapse of judgment and bargain hunting. Those that embrace that good partnerships do exist in the public marketplace put very respectable numbers on the board month in and month out. This space invites anyone with a pulse in. Those that have no follow-up processes in place or the ability demonstrate value are typically the one blaming leads. That article doesn't cite a source from what I can tell. I find it unlikely those putting up real numbers were the source of that blanket statement.
    5 replies | 196 view(s) | |
  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Today, 06:14 PM
    Ehenek replied to a thread Farming deal in Deal Bin
    I do A LOT of AGRICULTURE!!!!
    1 replies | 63 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 05:32 PM
    The available lead quality in the public marketplace is low or good exclusive leads are non-existent If the business was easy as buying the same leads as everyone else and using them to earn huge profits on the deals closed without much hassle, then every single person in the country would be a broker. Being a broker is hard work and a significant part of the gig is marketing. You’ll have to decide if you or someone you hire is up to the task of generating the deals for you or your closers to close. If you can’t figure out how to market, you will eventually fail Can I get 2 AMENS !
    5 replies | 196 view(s) | |
  • fundinggrasshopper's Avatar
    Today, 04:36 PM
    Moral of the story - If the deals you're in are going to settlement you might as well broker the debt settlement ! Lmao
    22 replies | 1176 view(s) | |
  • jtsfunding's Avatar
    Today, 04:31 PM
    Still confused as to why you all don't want to hop on the phone and go through each deal and commission instead of just keep posting on a forum, I am assuming it is because you know I am right which is why you are choosing not to post my text messages on here... Business is business Mike and you are conducting bad business is all, again don't care about the commissions that you say we owe because the data and math are loud and clear that you are wrong and you in fact owe us money, the fact that you don't want to get on the phone and explain to me how you are coming up with your calculation proves that to be true. You claiming we owe you money is a desperate act to try and disregard the fact of the matter that you are a liar and a back door shop. Like I said, if you really think we owe you money call me and make it make sense and we will settle up... but I know you wont call because you know you are wrong
    22 replies | 1176 view(s) | |
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    Today, 04:27 PM
    You funded the deal directly behind an already lowered payment, which I sent you the contract for the previous deal and said lowered payments here, let me know if you still want to fund the deal. YOU decided to send them your money and YOU made the approval, even with all the clear evidence up front that they already lowered payments on their previous lender in the first position. They made 7 payments and came back to negotiate a lowered payment with you, they're not a default file. Boasting about how "no one else will give you this approval" yada yada. YES, no one else would give us the approvals you give because they have legitimate underwriters. Quit blaming your bad funds on us when you're the one's making the approvals and sending the money.
    22 replies | 1176 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 03:51 PM
    Did you call him....he's pretty busy. 949.394.6854 is his cell
    3 replies | 42 view(s) | |
  • Shorebird's Avatar
    Today, 03:50 PM
    5 replies | 196 view(s)
  • closer129's Avatar
    Today, 03:49 PM
    Is he stuck on 500k. If the tib and daily balances are good and depending on what we see on the credit I might be able to offer a short term starter program and better the terms as he pays back and fixes his credit. My first position renewals are a true add on that works a little like a line of credit in a way. Scott Platto 212-220-9872
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 03:40 PM
    I operate a NOC for many years - so I'm familiar with "Parked Domains" - Parked means they are Registered but, not actually hosted.
    11 replies | 251 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 03:36 PM
    I really hope you get banned. I'll bump this post every now and then so isos new to the forum don't fall for your bull****.[/QUOT John you don't want to take me up on my bet? Oh right sorry Zonefund...lmao
    22 replies | 1176 view(s) | |
  • FFunding's Avatar
    Today, 03:34 PM
    Thanks for the input fellas. @Kevin - can I reach you direct at 561-850-9346?
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Today, 03:26 PM
    Thank you-
    3 replies | 42 view(s) | |
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 03:22 PM
    Lighter Capital
    3 replies | 42 view(s) | |
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Today, 03:20 PM
    Have small but well qualified client with excellent personal credit that is looking to finance software. Have a few options but looking to see if anyone has options that specialize or really go for that type of funding. Company is a software company. Thinking a lease channel might be best fit. Olderguy to save you the cut and paste I've emailed Tony Borchello in the past, he opened and read my email and then ignored it, so I'll pass on that one.
    3 replies | 42 view(s)
  • Kevin Henry-Seacoast's Avatar
    Today, 03:15 PM
    Thanks Micah. Depending on how the company financials look and the receivables, we could possibly offer a ledgered receivables facility.
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 03:15 PM
    I really hope you get banned. I'll bump this post every now and then so isos new to the forum don't fall for your bull****.
    22 replies | 1176 view(s) | |
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Today, 03:14 PM
    2x on the factoring and a cash out deal if he has real estate with equity or unencumbered equipment.
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 02:53 PM
    See, Kevin said he'd review it, and he's probably one of the only actual LENDERS on the board.
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 02:52 PM
    Considering that invoice factoring has less to do with the credit of the client vs and only entirely based on the credit of the clients that he is billing, since they are the creditors, there are probably a dozen invoice factors that could and would do this. Who have you tried? Is there no senior debt already?
    9 replies | 98 view(s) | |
  • MovingMoney's Avatar
    Today, 02:29 PM
    @ DonMcGrath you truly have a great sense of humor! Much appreciated, a lot of laughter over here ... The only thing you forgot too mention is a pair of Cement Shoes!
    9 replies | 456 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 02:26 PM
    I have like 25 different hard money lenders Send me a submission sheet. Borrower: Property Address: Property Type: Loan Type: PURCHASE / REHAB / REFINANCE Loan amount Requested: If Refinance - Purchase Price / Purchase Date / Mortgage Balance Purchase Price / Market Value: Rehab Costs: LTV Requested: ARV Requested: Credit: Experience: Property Details:
    5 replies | 81 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 02:20 PM
    Re-read what I wrote, "I never got confirmation from NameCheap as to the source of the problem..." We know of dozens of colleagues that experienced the same and abfunders independently confirmed the same above. What do you specialize in Yankeeman07 (business consultant is a broad topic)?
    11 replies | 251 view(s) | |
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