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  • Ehenek's Avatar
    Today, 02:45 AM
    I have private money for real estate, equipment, & working capital in cannabis sector. Feel free to touch base.
    9 replies | 1958 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 01:33 AM
    No location:)? U Fund N Korea? What is a low day? The days their pants sag?
    2 replies | 41 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:58 PM
    I can refer you a very Iso friendly dialer that's customizable in a ton of ways. Dialpad is probably the fastest company to ban you for any type of heavy direct marketing, especially with texting. I've seen companies get their accounts shut down literally 2 hours after they were setup, full IP ban, Credit Card ban, name and address ban. Not sure how they make money. Are you using the dialer for predictive or power dialing or click to dial? The one I'm referring to is more for predictive and power dialing. - Talk to merchants with offers pending.
    2 replies | 34 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:35 PM
    Talk with Augutech about this. They work with broker shops.
    2 replies | 34 view(s) | |
  • FundingHunter's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:31 PM
    Had a run in with dialpad where they told me my account was banned for calling and texting now. Anyone have any better reccomendations? Burnerphone or ringcentral? I just dont want to have this happen again.
    2 replies | 34 view(s)
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:37 PM
    I'm somewhere in the middle on my opinions/approach between the rest of you. Did telemarketing back in the day and assume anyone that isn't clearly not the person I'm asking for (55 year old guy, person on the phone sounds like a 19 year old girl, or somewhere that definitely has a gatekeeper) that it's the person I'm looking for on the phone. The best is "Who's calling?" Me, calling you. Loan officer - I agree that sounds suspect. I don't think many in the business lending space use that terminology anymore - even when I worked at the bank I'd use business banker or something that people could clearly grasp onto conceptually. I know some places still use "loan officer" but I think most have transitioned over to stupidly ambiguous titles like "Vice President, Regional Commercial Relationship Client Success Representative Manager, Utah Mormon Region." In banking anyway. Bulldozing people by not acknowledging who you are/where you're from/why you're calling - did that telemarketing when it was a pure battle. For those of you who do this, do you have success? Not really my vibe. Seems like a recipe to not get any follow through from the client when it comes down to applying. Only way I could see this working in this space is if your pitch so outstanding that bulldozing straight to the irresistible point may work, like if you were PSFing some 2% government loan program. Open ended questions all the way, agreed. My spot is in that short space in between first few lines, their first response, and rebuttal/"keep the conversation going" response. Probing questions beyond that, not so big of a deal. For me, anyway.
    24 replies | 640 view(s) | |
  • Incbiz440's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:41 PM
    Was that an issue of doing marketing emails from your own primary domain, or using Namecheap's shared email servers for its webhosting clients?
    7 replies | 79 view(s) | |
  • Collinscash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:17 PM
    Are your clients looking to start or expand their laundromat businesses? Securing the right funding can be a game-changer for their success. I'm excited to introduce you to Smart Business Funding, a trusted partner specializing in quick and easy laundromat business funding. This could be the perfect solution for your clients! Why Recommend Smart Business Funding? Speed and Efficiency: Smart Business Funder offers rapid approval and disbursement of funds, ensuring your clients get the financial support they need without lengthy delays. Tailored Solutions: Their funding options are customized to meet the unique needs of each laundromat business, providing flexibility and convenience. Industry Expertise: With extensive experience in the laundromat industry, Smart Business Funder offers knowledgeable support, guiding your clients through the funding process seamlessly. Benefits for Your Clients Quick Access to Funds: Allows them to invest in high-quality equipment, maintenance, and marketing. Flexible Funding Options: Tailored to their specific business needs. Expert Guidance: From application to approval, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. How to Get Started Encourage your clients to visit Smart Business Funding and start their application today. The process is straightforward, and the results can significantly impact their business growth. Help your clients unlock their full potential with Smart Business Funding's quick and easy laundromat business funding. Let’s work together to ensure their success! Feel free to share this informative article with your clients for more details on how Smart Business Funding can support their laundromat business goals. 20515 NE 22ND AVE MIAMI FL 33180 1-866-Re-Smart (1-866-73-76278) 347-402-1650
    0 replies | 16 view(s)
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:54 PM
    Dwayne, long time
    24 replies | 640 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:42 PM
    Please provide proof you are a funder since you're promoting.
    2 replies | 41 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:41 PM
    Dwayne that was a good tip. I applied it on a call, and good God did he love talking about his biz and plans. I got about 8-15 hits off my joint while he was talking.
    24 replies | 640 view(s) | |
  • Big Mack's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:41 PM
    Big Mack replied to a thread square account in Deal Bin
    4 replies | 126 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:40 PM
    Big up nice post
    1 replies | 122 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:39 PM
    Steve is a beast in the real estate realm though the guys good. When it comes to actual biz loans and loc 's Micah has that on lock and he pays.
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:37 PM
    Give it a shot with Micah brother. If he fails, it's Steve or Elon (Steve has paid more brokers then Elon, but, he had a dark phase perhaps with drugs 7 years or so ago when he worked for a confidential direct lenflder that bought hidden Yellowstone loans and offered hybrid loans, term loans, lines of credits, AND MCA (I'm being sarcastic, making fun of him).
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:36 PM
    Micah can get this done for you. He has the best reputation here, and unlike older guy (see the post in promotions, worldwide capital management post) he never pretended to be a direct lender working out of a Regus office back 7 years or so ago.
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:34 PM
    5 replies | 788 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:43 PM
    We've purchased thousands of domains for cold email... and we used to use NameCheap as our main vendor. That is until they had a blacklisted server that affected our NEW (never created before, or registered, or expired) domains. This happened to other agencies we're aware of in our space too. This was about 2 years ago, so hopefully they've corrected it. From then on we only use GoDaddy, no issues.
    7 replies | 79 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:36 PM
    If they have NOI of $7000+ monthly, I have a great LOC program for them. Please email me, I'll make the introduction to the lender. (And if not for this one, then for the next one.)
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • cannolimca's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:12 PM
    The merchant is looking for an MCA, he is already leveraged at 75% LTV on his properties.
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:15 PM
    In case the guy wants a good program for fix and said that what he works...
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:12 PM
    How does that help
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:05 PM
    Not sure if this helps: FIX & FLIP PROGRAMS Simple Financing Solutions for Investors · Investment Purchase & Refinances · REHAB – up to 85% LTV* / 100% Rehab / up to 75% ARV* · 620 MINIMUM CREDIT SCORE ALLOWED!!! · Interest Rates Starting at 10.99%*** · SFR / 2F-4F / Multi Fam / Mixed Use · $75,000 - $5,000,000 · 12 – 36 Months – Interest Only · NO PREPAY with Credit Scores 650 of Higher** · NO Payment Reserves with Credit Scores 650 of Higher** · NO Liquidity Reserves Required with Credit Scores 650 of Higher** · NO Income Documentation · Brokers Protected · Heavy Rehab OK!! *** · Experience Preferred – 1st Time Investors OK!! · Special Programs Available for Investors with Large Portfolios**** · NATIONWIDE
    8 replies | 164 view(s) | |
  • cannolimca's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:32 PM
    Merchant did 60k in deposits in April, 175k in May, and 75k in June. Merchant works with fix and flips so deposit quantity is low and he currently has a position with ondeck. What lenders would be able to fund this?
    8 replies | 164 view(s)
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:27 PM
    My primary company email address was actually added. Truth is, now that I think about it, I might have done it myself, but I don't remember doing it, because of which email addresses was being used. However, they recommend that people use a fresh email address because it's a publicly available one that might attract spam. Re: Ed. I had the same experience with Namecheap actually, and I ended up buying a dedicated IP and worked to get it un-blacklisted. Cost me $24/year for multiple domains. But then again, I don't send out 100,000 emails.
    7 replies | 79 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:19 PM
    Where you purchase domains is not the issue - Purchasing Expired Domains that is a different story (Not difficult to generate new domain names - consider using the new gTLD's. ) if a relevant .com is not available I recommend using sub-domains for Landing Pages - others have a different opinion. Also look at your DNS Records CNAME Records - Look at your domain Keys TXT Records - should have Multiple DMARC Records Lastly, -
    7 replies | 79 view(s) | |
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:15 PM
    To keep a merchant engaged, they should be intrigued with what you're offering. In general, on any cold call, you have: 3 seconds to get their attention 3 seconds to pique their interest 3 seconds to show them something they desire By then, if they're not asking you questions or listening intently, you’re pretty much done. You don't necessarily have to be pitching your product to them. Attention is attention. If you told someone their car is being broken into right now, I bet you have their attention. We already know businesses are interested in increasing revenue (money), increasing efficiency (saving time, increasing speed of sales), reducing expenses (saving money) How do you show a business you provide a credible solution to one or all of those opportunities, and do it quickly? Example: "There are about 48 Bakeries in Houston, and we've helped 1/3 of them reduce the cost of their baking ingredients over the last 6 months, while everyone else's has increased." It's very clear who the recipient of this cold call is, and what the clear benefit is. A successful conversation should be a strong hook, followed by the receiver asking questions, then you giving concise answers and then you asking questions. If the conversation doesn't look like that, you're usually just wasting time. You can have pleasantries in the middle briefly, but you should get back on target immediately. REBUTTALS If a merchant or client has a problem with what you're saying, you have not made it clear how you will make him money or save him time, (or not waste money or time). So any rebuttal should clarify why you ARE INDEED going to make him more money or save time, or not lose either of them. The rebuttal should have a clear reason, and have a reinforcing credibility statement attached after. “Adding a new oven will make you more money in the next 6 months as you'll be taking advantage of tourist season, and because this year's team is in the playoffs, you can have promotions for team fans that will likely double your business and alcohol sales, more than covering the expense of this money I give you, and taking your share of the money your competitors made last year that you missed out on.” The point is, if you're going about the process correctly, rebuttals should be built into your script already. You should already be making it clear why they should be working with you, and why not working with you is a huge missed opportunity. - Speak to Merchants right after they receive an MCA Approval. You vs. the Broker
    1 replies | 122 view(s)
  • Franklin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:04 PM
    A real, working, sales call script, with proper training, has built companies and sales departments. No one is likely to share it here. Basically though, to keep a merchant talking, they should be intrigued with what you're offering, and you should be answering rebuttals in advance, before they come up. It should be part of your middle/close. - Speak to Merchants right after they receive an MCA Approval. You vs. the Broker
    24 replies | 640 view(s) | |
  • omegafund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:03 PM
    MAXIM commercial capital finance Private Money RE Loans AR Financing
    3 replies | 117 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:00 PM
    Most Hosting companies provide access to Advanced DNS Records - some add automatically - but not the DMARC Email Address which has to be added manually.
    7 replies | 79 view(s) | |
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