Quote Originally Posted by PhillyFunder View Post
Hello All, hope this finds you well.

I have been in the space for about 10 months now, and like to think I am finally getting it down to where I can consistently close deals, and feel confident in my abilities.

However, I am not making nearly close to what seems achievable in this space.

Where I work is stingy in terms of commission %, and barely even provides me with the leads or approvals to make more.

For example this month I've had about 19 Approvals, closed 9, and funded $118,000 with an average deal size of $13,000 getting 26% commission LOL!!

I was thinking of buying my own leads, and negotiating a much higher commission split since it would be to no cost to them, and would get to use their name to appear more professional.

I was wondering what you guys who have been around the block for a while think, and if you could point me in the right direction to purchase some decent leads.

Best advice: stay away from NY funders, especially Brooklyn!