Quote Originally Posted by cruisinman View Post

All we have to do is find Businesses that need working capital and get the Client's info to start the deal - our Partner(s) handle everything else.

There is something to be said about having a good idea, a unique plan, and just jumping in and working hard and fast.., it's incredibly rare but it does happen...

...however, the biggest issue is that when you don't know what you don't know, what do you do when those snags happen?

If your job is to simply find business and pass off to another entity to work it, in theory that's very simple... IF you have the answers to, and have solved a number of basic problems:

-Where will you source this new business?
-Can you source new business consistently
-Does your cost to source allow you to make money
-Is the business source unique and can it become quickly saturated
-Is the source of business that type your client is looking for?

-Can you grow your sources of business?

Who covers the cost of this growth (The network or each individual in the network)
Who manages distribution of these business prospects?

I'd also ask, how well do you know the funding side, and how much work have you done with them?

Who is responsible for follow up, doc chasing, paper gathering
...This is 80% of the work.

Who closes? Who closes the big and/or difficult merchants?
...This is 90% of your profits.

Who handles renewals?
...This is your recurring profits.

-Who stays on top of merchants to make sure you get paid from renewals?
-Are follow ups system based or manual?
-What is the type of industries they like, the grade of paper,
and do they have an outlet for non MCA deals?

-What do you do with merchants that don't fit their bucket?
-Are their offers competitive?

* What is the aptitude of the people handling all these different tasks? *

As the machine starts to run, now you have to start looking for inefficiencies, cracks, and leaks.

-Are you losing deals due to lack of follow up, lack of closing ability?
-Is their key staff dependable and present, or is personal drama hampering their work, and therefore your
profits? (This comes down to their company culture).
-Are merchants being missed?
-Are your deals going in one door and out the other 30 minutes later?

If I were you, I'd like answers to these questions as soon as possible, as you're growing.

www.UccRadar.com - Post one question about funding, see hundreds of merchant responses...