Quote Originally Posted by GIGATT50 View Post
We are 45 days in and have funded one deal but seemed to have hit a wall. That first taste was great but we want more now. Much more. Making mad daily calls targeting Phoenix market. Is this our mistake? Huge smb market here but seems conservative for MCA product. Any ideas from the room?
You can start by making your logo a bit smaller. I want to joke around but serious...

Many of the newer sales/brokers may have the gift of gab on the phones but everything else lacks the "official" look and feel of a real deal Company. ESPECIALLY online. An email goes out with a link or an application? So many of the website/landing pages are out of control and the applications are no different. The authorizations on applications are even worse on some. You are running the foundation of your business without the essentials. It's a lot more than signing up with a bunch of companies and dialing until you can't speak.

What would a "Merchant" do? Who is also a human being - as a human being we are cautious and first look for what is "out of place" or "incorrect" which makes them either proceed or delete.