Quote Originally Posted by OF_Funder View Post
"It is Private Information"

No. It is not private.

You are advertising and soliciting business within this forum. Using a contact signature for a company that is not legally authorized to operate that it appears. Claiming that you are somehow and somewhere legally registered in a state with the LLC you solicit business from.


(If you fail to provide this forum and your peers with the simple answer. It is fair for the entire industry to correctly assume you are lying and have been lying continuously)
Provide your complete legal name, company name, title, where registered, company address, office phone number, (Not a Google Voice Number and not a cell phone)
domain name, domain name email address, which I will forward to our Lawyer for an appropriate response.

BTW - I conducted a search of your posts going back to 2016 - nothing has changed -

This guy OF Funder is still ranting?

He came on here having never posted before, and declared that everyone on here should prove their identity and should prove they work in the industry in order to post. But when asked to PROVE HIS identity/credentials, he refuses and balks. Again, he's never posted on here, yet starts lecturing about who should post on here, while calling regulars who post on here "trolls".

One reason he claimed that there should be screening, is so as to protect the integrity of the industry -- but that was right before he made an absolute fool of himself and started deleting his posts because he knows those posts made him look foolish, silly, small, inarticulate and barely-literate (no wonder you're so reliant on phone spamming: writing a grammatically-correct sentence isn't your forte). He even writes that the reason for him erasing/editing his posts were because of the "poor portrayal for public." His own words. Doh!

Let's face it: you made an absolute fool of yourself. Deep down you're embarrassed. But there's a always consolation prize for proving yourself to be an absolute dullard/dolt: Karen's immediate attraction.

BTW - Karen is married - I'll tell her you said "hello" NOT !