Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
I'd be careful with your wording here, as you said it, it looks like an unregistered securities request. UNLESS the client is looking for a loan and the "investors" is only because it's a startup, then you should reword this request.
Micah's right here.

Unless you're licensed, this wording is soliciting an investment.

And stating returns is an area you have to be VERY careful with the SEC. Not that this isn't do-able, I have deal that is getting quadruple digit returns for cash injection opportunities. *this is NOT a solicitation for investment only educational/entertainment purposes*

You want to say cash injection, as what you said here is: "Payments made quarterly combining principal & interest." This is a debt deal, but the % could entertain an equity kicker once introduced to the principal but you can't be taking a commission on equity alone unless licensed.

If you have lenders that do debt/equity that's different and can be requesting a loan and get a commission from the lender you're IN with for the debt side of the deal - but if you don't have them, and stating equity % then this is soliciting.

Not trying to be over the top - But you do want to be careful as this is a very fine line with the SEC and can get you in trouble.

AND... side note -- for $50K - why don't they use personal credit and get up to $300K personal lines/business lines for their business. Or have a friend do this to help them and give them a slice of the pie. Many ways to help this for such a low cash injection amount.


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