Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
I'm not sure what you mean by "coast"? I run my own business (one man, 1099 independent shop). The business revenue is structured based on new deal compensation and renewal/residual portfolio compensation, both are very important to the stability of my business.

When I sign a contract with a Partner stating that said built, established, renewal portfolio that I have with them will be paid for the lifetime of the relationship with the clients, but they randomly change that provision, that could seriously affect my incoming business revenue as well as the stability of my business.

A smart business person, that's who. It's called working smart not working hard, and it's called building a business asset. My portfolio of clients is an asset that continues to produce an income stream and I don't like any change in provisions that threaten said income stream.

Exactly, the main benefit of a 1099 shop is being able to build a portfolio that produces a consistent income stream. I don't like how these companies randomly change the compensation rules long after an original Broker/ISO Agreement was signed.

1. Im not sure what you mean by "Sit Back" From what I read I took it as coasting because you are comfortable with the income that is coming in. AKA Complacent

2.Im not saying renewals is not an asset to your company or not. Now what I don't consider smart is "sitting back" *what I read was complacency

3. I don't think its right to change a contract when you are the one bringing them business, and building a relationship. This is greed and unacceptable.