Folks on this forum can go after me all they want, I know many don't agree with my views (for better or worse, they will likely become a reality given inability to self-regulate as an entire industry) -- but if I reach even a few people that understand the need to coalesce (in a positive way) as an industry, that to me is a success. Like a previous poster said (when taking a shot at me admittedly), a few bad apples can spoil the bunch. But folks that aren't those "bad apples" can push the industry forward, and I believe so much about moving forward in a positive way (and not being threatened by ill-informed, fully encompassing regulation -- meaning let's assume the "online finance" industry is YSC and regulate based on that) is about (a) product suitability; and (b) education -- not just for borrowers, but for everyone -- employees, brokers, MCA companies, lenders, the media, and potential regulators. And if you look at our website, we have an in-house marketing team that focuses quite a bit of their efforts on education.