Flex Deals in certain Scenarios make sense. But not if it is just 4 Increments at 20 Day Terms. If that was the case Merchants would be better off just taking 1 deal at 20 Days and then renewing after 10 Payments.

WG/MCA Rehab does Flex deals that are actually Flex Deals (First Funding Term at 20 Days, then 40, then 80, then 120 then a 240 Day Term) The Factor gets lower with each Tier too. And they get new round 80% Paid in.

This Offer (Isn't from WG/MCA Rehab) but is how a Flex Deal should be (Merchant has 5 Positions, other offers on table are 60-80 Day 1.49's)

Purchase Amount: $150,000.00
Increment Amount $50,000.00
# of increments 3
Frequency (Days) 20
Rate: 1.25
Term: 126
Payment (Daily) $1,488.10
Commission 10.00
Payback Amount: $187,500.00
Week # Increments
1 $50,000.00
5 $50,000.00
9 $50,000.00

This offer isn't Funding 3 20 Day Deals. Based on the payment, he pays back 50k in 42 Days. Yet gets the next 50k in 20 Days. And the final 50k at 40 Days (Prior to the first 50k being Paid in Full)

This is an ACTUAL Flex Deal. If it was my business I would much rather take this 1.25 Flex/Incremental deal, over a 80 Day 1.49