Quote Originally Posted by Iscibibi153 View Post
Hey all,

I just started in the MCA industry. I am wondering how much one can expect to earn as a broker, working in a broker shop. The amount earned obviously depends on the percent of commission the broker gets, so if you can share that as well please that would be appreciated. Many MCA Broker ads say yearly earnings can be up to 200k or more, I'd like to know if that is accurate or not. Thanks!
I worked at a shop in NYC for a year and learned the business. Was giving up 50% of my commission to ride the LIRR 2 hours in and 2 hours back - forward my statements and apps to the owner, who then hit forward on the email to all his direct lenders. Then I had to sell the deal and get all the stips in. I have my own shop now and made what I made in a year working for someone else in 2 months. Besides learning the business, there is absolutely NO REASON anyone should be giving any of their commission up to a firm. Get on the phone, contact some lenders, create relationships, and start funding deals. This is the easiest business on the planet. Make the dials, get the statements and apps in, and you can make $1 million a year. No doubt.