Quote Originally Posted by Franklin View Post
The biggest issue is that a vote in favor of facebook or google means nothing to you, and gives you no usable or actionable information whatsoever, because, like most business strategy questions, the answer is opened ended and depends on a few factors, including where you are currently and what your (realistic) expectations are.

If it was a straight apples to apples comparison, most would say Google ads are more effective than Facebook ads, and if it you look at where marketing budgets are invested, most evidence points to that.

But all that really tells you is that more people have had more time to figure out Google’s platform, and many people are struggling to monetize the Facebook platform in this industry. Meaning, most people use the logic: …it’s too hard for me to use, therefore it must suck/be broken/be ineffective/a waste of time, etc.

If that’s the case (and it generally is), then facebook is a better opportunity for you to be successful than google, because it’s a massive platform and few people know what they’re doing, so it’s not saturated and insanely expensive and filled with samurai killing marketers like google is.

Facebook is about identifying the ideal audience you want your ads to appear in front of, basically training the platform to target the right prospects. It’s about being interesting and entertaining, using compelling pictures (and video), breaking people out of their routine. It’s more steps than google.

-People go on Google to find answers.

-People go on Facebook to connect, relax, engage and interact, etc.

The ads that work on Google don’t work on Facebook, they’re not deep enough or rich enough.
It’s like writing a 100 page book on achieving a 0% default rate, and trying to stream it page by page, on Netflix.

The info is valuable but ain’t nobody reading that ‘ish on a video streaming site.

Both google and facebook have a knowledge barrier where if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll just lose money.

But for google, even if you do learn, you still may never get the results you want because the barrier is also heavily capitalized competitors, hyper expensive keywords, the barrier is dedicated, experienced marketing departments, the barrier is age and authority, branding, social signals and relevance.

You should learn both, but there is a stronger opportunity on facebook because it's not as tapped out or well known as google. But it will likely take some time.
