Work hard for years learning how to do business in this industry THE RIGHT WAY
Work for a reputable shop- learn from the good, the bad, and the ugly you see there
Build a reputation for yourself- your name is your brand

After making a few hundred thousand as an experienced broker, ask yourself if you even want to own a brokerage shop

There is great earning potential in owning a shop.. but you won't earn anything sustainable unless you have substantial experience OR something proprietary (which it doesn't sound like you do)

Add in the headaches of owning a company (especially in this industry) and the question becomes: Why would I take the risk of starting a business if I am making all of this money as a well established broker?

I've seen many young inexperienced brokers go-out on their own to start a shop and lose everything. These are also the guys who are selling deals sideways and have a 50% default rate

If you really want to be successful brokerage shop owner in this industry, put in years of work and build a network that you can grow into

PM me if you need a shop to learn at