Quote Originally Posted by SmartAdvanced View Post
I think that ISOs are not so concerned about backdooring these days. They want real offers, competitive offers, and a funder who will pull through and fund, wire out commissions same day.
Especially the professional and talented ISOs that fund real numbers. Try backdooring them and see what happens (won’t be pretty). So instead of selling the “we don’t backdoor” pitch, you’ll need to actually sell the product you have. Which based on your words isn’t very strong.
You make a valid point on the talented isos part. When it comes to 10k-150k fundable files i've heard of many bad stories.
As a shop that funds 50k-500k 3-9 month terms, our avg deal structure seems to be anywhere from 100k-175k and 5-8 months daily or weekly. Our UW is more conservitive then others, thats a benefit to both us and our ISOs. %60 of our ISOs Syndicate up to %30 on avg per deal. Our UW protects their syndication and it protects us as the funder. There are many shops that will do 10k-20k for 20-40 days. Not us, we'll do 100/100 all day long on 2-5th if the file merits it.

If the offer is the only priority to an ISO, then we might not be that funder for them. But if they see value in other areas of our product, that will over ride the need for an extra $20k or an extra month off the bat. As is we will adjust by 10k and 10-20 days when needed.