Congratulations everyone we funded 843 deals for a total of $16,125,000 !!!!!

Quick breakdown on the overall number is this… $7.5MM funded through our in house funding program and $8.6MM funded through all of our outside funders

What blows me away about September was that it was a 20 day month loaded up with Jewish holidays.

Huge Congrats to our marketing department….the volume and Quality of our leads have never been better!!

The In-House Funders really stepped it up in September:

AKB…Lock Box Steve and Licker
BAD…Bart all day
ATM…Arlena Basilio
SLC…Mike Samuels
Arch…Zach Chasin
Lik Funding…Steve Klein
AD…Aaron Davis
And all the reps that funded their own deals!!

A few Reps had absolutely outstanding months and I would want to recognize them:

Juan Monegro…funded 75 deals for $1.6MM
Andy Mac/Joe/Dru-106 deals for 2.1MM
LockBox Steve-$220K Gross…that’s just commissions boys and girls
Henry (Aviv) Boaz 20 deals for over $500K
EK Sales…Mr. Consistent…always over $100k gross…ya even on a holiday month
Matt Melnikoff…funded 31 deals for over $600K
Josh Weiss..funded 20 deals for over $550K
Desmond Miller…31 deals for $730K

A huge shout out to Chambo and the 4th floor crew who are really starting to crank up the volume

A special shout out to all the new comers who are working their tails off to make it happen
Florin Vicol-16 funded deals in his first 6 weeks
Eli Ghoori
Mark Kern
Julie Sigal
Lalit Malik

I want to thank all of our outside funders who helped us put up these huge numbers:

Huge thank you to Evan Marmott and Steven Saffer at Fast Business Funding for funding over 3MM for us

Another huge thank you to SFS for funding over 90 deals this month for us!

Thank you to Rapid, GBR, TBB, FFM, Fora, Capital Stack, Main Street, Max, OnDeck, and Snap all had really strong months with YSC!!

Let’s take this last quarter of the year and absolutely crush it!!