pricing has changed across the board. you can no longer dictate to the market, the market dictates to you. we arent in a expansion economy either, so its all about cost of funds/cash flow to those who want to borrow and get in debt. Sure, some of the brokers out there funding alot of low-marginal credit paper may say "look how much we funded" but give them a few months and see what the payback projections really look like on those deals if any. Its all about funding the upmarket now- that requires lower rates, longer terms. those who can adapt to that, you have a shot at competing. those who can't- on to your next business venture. its a new world, and it isnt going back. anyone who thinks so, is in Denial- and that aint just a river in Egypt! Everyone will have to adjust. chasing commissions only=no business. its all about the customer and repeat business-