Quote Originally Posted by jdchiles View Post
I just started a ISO a month ago and haven't had many issues other than trying to decide what funding source is best for my clients. You can get to direct lenders if you have legit "A" paper that is requesting 7 figure MCA's ( I also own a healthcare consulting company with a ton of clients that fit the profile those types of lenders are looking for). When it comes to leads I prefer to generate my own, I don't trust lead gen companies. It's a little easier for me because I also own a digital marketing company but if you have the time and your willing to learn you can create a content marketing strategy that will produce in bound leads in 3-6 months. In the mean time utilize your personal network. If you don't have a personal network to draw from you might want to rethink your strategy. I've consulted on some ISO startups and many of them fail because they don't have a niche or any competitive advantage over the next ISO. I have found ISO's are a dime a dozen - if you can't create real value for your clients what's to stop them from going to the next guy? Good luck brother!

Your Network = Your Net Worth

I think more accurate is: Your Value to your Network = Your Networth

But otherwise, good advice. Might not be what he wants though, most aren't going to invest the 3-6 months of no money, plus paying out funds, to attempt to build something they may not see all the way through.

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