Quote Originally Posted by BobbyALeadGuy View Post
I so have been forcing myself to stop responding to your UNPROVOKED ATTACK. I realize we are competitors but we are both making good enough money to share the space But I am Italian and have a temper, you never bought leads from me and probably don't know anyone who has. The lingering, annoying question I can't let go is WHY would you bad mouth me on a public forum when you know NOTHING about me or my business ? That is just something I can't get past, even though I know I should. It's such a douchey thing, even though you either work for or were sent in by one of my inferior competitors who sell "fresh" leads 25-30 times a day for an inflated price to unsuspecting, innocent victims here. Bottom line is I don't play dirty when my competitors post stuff on here about leads. Neither should you, it's just fair practice and classy behavior. I guess we have different theories on good business. Whatever.
hahaha, this just gets better n better. "im italian and have a temper." but later on goes to say "kapish mf'er" lol. im also italian, and it's spelled "capisce" u idiot