Hey guys,

I almost never post and before anyone says it, yes we are still around! All of the above is bad and really you are discussing what is the least evil here. So really know you have to say from whos perscepective?

From the merchant: If they are at a 32% holdback and its killing them and that gets consolidated down truly to 25% yes that should help them and they should NEVER take another dime until that finishes or EVER again! But will they be able to help themselves and not take another call and not get suckered into another pitch??

From the Funder: Once the reverse is in the banks the A/B funders really never want to touch this file again when they see the consolidation which is why some of the consolidators leave them out of the grouping...its not for any other reason but to think that they may have a shot of getting that position refinace by some miracle since their payment was "paid" without any aid. Believe me I have heard it ALL.

Then you have the very short guys who just jump in for sport for 40-80 days thinking last in first out and they will just float them some cash so now you have (again from a Funder perspective) a group of short term guys that are on your "blacklist" so this merchant is DEAD to you forever!!

So when you do a reverse: think about what I said! When you throw some cash at a deal, think about what I said. Just wanted to give you some fresh eyes on a very touchy spot for both the ISO & the Funder!

Happy Selling!