Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
To answer your Question. If you an ISO sends us a deal, No it will not be brokered out. For the most part, we will just kick back an Offer or decline, and leave it at that. From time to time, If I see a file that I feel you as the broker, and myself, could make More money by Funding it elsewhere, I will Offer to send it out, and give you the reasons why I feel this way, and Often let you know which Lender I want to send it to, It's usually just one.

This mostly happens with Default deals, There are certain Funders that miss certain scenario's of defaults. So yea, I could offer a default deal at 8k 1.49 Over 20 Days. But if we could get a 80k, 12 Month 1.36 Done Paying 12-14 - Everyone Invloved is going to make more money, Except me maybe.

Just about Every Funder has started as a Broker, or Brokered at one point or the other. Granted there are a few that have never been brokers, but alot have, either with their current entity, or started as a broker elsewhere then founded a funding company.

Credibly is a pretty big Funder right? They Broker Deals as well to high risk companies. I won't tell you what I don't know as a fact, Is it Broker Submissions? They rework after 30 days, Or in House Generated files, Not sure.

Ideally, let's say I Fund 100% and don't Broker, I would lose Brokering the Inside Sales generated stuff that doesn't fit my box, Maybe there will come a time where I'm willing to fund 18 Month 1.30's but that isn't now, and I don't anticipate it being any time soon. I don't think i would ever stop brokering or having inside sales because each have a benefit, What's the alternative? On In House generated stuff that doesn't want a High Risk Offer, I do what? Throw it away? Start Selling Declined Leads? Lol- If i Decline a file in house, I throw it away? What about the money spent in generating that file? Im supposed to RAM a 1.40-1.49 Offer at them when It's a clean file? No. I'll Broker it Out...So for me, Inside Sales will always be there because the profit on In House Generated Stuff is more than Broker Submitted Stuff, and I don't think ill get rid of Broker Side because there is alot of Value in that, What would I do with the Stuff I generate In-House that doesn't fit my box? And I have enough Headaches without growing a Massive Inside Sales force to supplement not having brokers.

So at least for me, for now, maybe my opinion will change, No matter how big the funding side gets, as long as I have Inside Sales there is always going to need to be a broker side, I mean it just makes sense, I'm not going to Decline a file in House then not broker it, that is wasting money.

It Just comes down to being Open, and having trust with the brokers who send you files. If you send me a File to Fund In-House it will NEVER be sent out without your Permission, Sometimes I'll even kick back an In House offer and let the broker know like Hey, I think we can probably get him more if I send it to X,Y or Z..... - And that's taking Money out of my pocket for the benefit of the ISO and Merchant, because chances are my piddly 20%-30% co-brokering, I would of made more just funding the 10k in House.

Find me ONE person who has accused of us/ME SPRECIFICALLY of BACKDOORING, not Even on the Lender Side but even on the broker side....I encouraged ISO's to submit Applications with all contact info rescinded.

Have there been Issues? Yea...over the years, In 15 Years, I've been accused maybe 5 times of Backdooring. But I'm the asshole that will spend a few hours putting together a fake submission and sending it out to any questionable people i sent their file to, all with Emails and Phone Numbers in my Control (and Different on Each App) to weed out where the leak came from.
I understand what you are saying, and I may or may not agree with your reasoning for why you broker out.

In all reality there is a reason why people don't like to send deals to funders that broker out, and that is because you never know if your deals are getting shopped out or back doored. Especially from someone who has been accused of backdooring 5 times, by your own admission. How do we know that you wont be backdooring a 6th time?

Here is what we know so far, you didnt, until now fund on your own platform so you never show up in statements (convenient for a broker to say), you never show up in UCCs because you dont file them (convenient for a broker, I wonder how you collect without them) and no lawsuits.

So technically you could have funded a total of 3 deals and called yourself a funder and are using this to get people to send you deals. I am just asking questions the same way you have done to many others on this forum when you were admitting you were a broker.

I look forward to your answers.

Take a guy like Mr Kevin Henry - VP of Business Development Seacoast Business Funding... he never brokers out.