Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
LOL wow do you have the wrong company. First of all we are an ISO so doubt you can see us on any deal. Second of all ask anyone on this forum who knows us they know we don't touch these deals. We are 80% probably higher first position deals and nothing really over a second. So before assuming you know who I am you don't

To your other points there is no situation where a 4th, 5th or higher position in anyway helps the client. You are hurting the business more than they already are and putting a nail in their coffin for the hopes of making a little money. If you has a solution for the client that would actually help them then yes you should but 20k over 30 days at a 1.50 does not help someone. The best thing to tell that person is that another position will not help you and that they should look into other options. Dont try to justify these programs because there is no way that they can help any company ever. The couple of dollars you make on the file gives the entire industry a bad name and puts targets on all of our backs.
my mistake I though you were a different company then.

But to your points:

" there is no situation where a 4th, 5th or higher position in anyway helps the client."

Who are you to decide this? are you God?

"You are hurting the business more than they already are and putting a nail in their coffin for the hopes of making a little money."

How could you possibly know this, again who are you to decide this or make a blanket statement like this?

"20k over 30 days at a 1.50 does not help someone."

Who are you to decide this?
wouldn't the owner of the business be more qualified to decide this than you?

"The best thing to tell that person is that another position will not help you and that they should look into other options."

If you are in this industry and you stay away from these types of deals, you know what type of conditions they are in, please give some examples of other realistic options for people in these positions. (since you clearly know everything)

"Dont try to justify these programs because there is no way that they can help any company ever."

I am not justifying anything, I am just curious what gives you the confidence to make all these statement and make decisions from your high horse on who needs or should take what, when and how.

What if one day something happens to your business(es) and you are no longer able to sustain daily operations but you have put in years of work to build it up and you need it to feed your family? Lets say, for whatever reason your credit and liquidity don't allow you to obtain traditional financing (Pandemic crushed you for example). Would you like to live in a world where you have the option to take expensive money but have a chance to fight for your business? or should you just have to go out of business because another grown adult that is not in your situation decided that they don't like this type of funding so too bad for you.

I am not justifying any type of funding, I just find blanket statements and opinions such as yours very interesting, becareful what you wish for life has a funny way of humbling you. I believe that everything should be fully disclosed to merchants, absolutely everything, even if it kills the deal but I still believe business owners should have the right to make their own decisions.