Quote Originally Posted by Jeremiah View Post

Have you seen the latest switch up on the Smartbiz Loans PPP Commissions? Where It caps the fees @1% instead of what they have been telling everyone for months "Loans up to $50,000 = 16.7% of Fees Paid to Lender" How do office feel about the recent change?
I honestly wasn't working on the PPP very much, and I also wasn't working SmartBiz on them, I had another person to help me with the ones I did need to do. If they were a bait and switch, look at the contract, contact them directly and complain, and get others who have been submitting through them heavily to complain that they move their business elsewhere. Power in numbers.

Someone in Toronto tried changing my payout structure on me for some cannabis Bitcoin processing that we were doing together, and when he "informed" me of his decision to pay me less and not give me an accounting for it, and our contract was clearly different..... well, I have to take him to small claims court in Toronto.