Hello All- Happy Monday

Was reaching out to see if any funders have released updated guidelines that they want to post in here, so they don't receive submissions they cannot fund right now.
Also any Funders that have Preferred Businesses at this time maybe you want to post them in here so that will help people narrow down on which businesses to call. I will start with a funder who sent me an e-mail this morning:


* MTD is required with each submission
*They are actively funding the following industries:
Provided MTD revenue has not decreased by more than 35%

*Home Health Care
*Assisted Living Facilities
*Funeral Homes
*Convenience Stores
*Home Improvement Centers
*Gun Dealers
*Insurance Agencies
*Delivery Services

Provided MTD revenue has not decreased by more than 10%
*Trucking (max loan- $150k)
*Technology firms (no consultants)
*Home Builders
*Pool Maintenance
*Hardware Services
*Home Improvement Centers
*Gun Dealers
*Manufacturers of essentials services