Quote Originally Posted by sean bash View Post
the only position I have committed to on this one is that it will generate a lot of leads, which I believe it will.
Very well said. My position is, they won't make any money off of the many leads.

I'd rather make a mint on a few leads than nothing on a lot.

They'd be better off custom tailoring a program for war vets and training them to go door to door... After all the guy was just getting shot at for his country as a fellow American and biz owner, you at least have to listen to him... And let him grab your email to follow up even if you're not interested at the moment.

That spreads pretty quickly. Pretty organically. Great company. Great rates. Patriotic. Loves America. Let's all hold hands and share candy.

Anyway - that's just one of my brain farts. A "minor edit" to something a former Special Forces vet I know is doing to destroy CC processing in TX.