Im not in the MCA lending space anymore, we are Real estate Lenders, when customers call us about Real Estate financing its usually because we left them a VM, and my calls get returned..

when we were in the MCA space and our staff called prospects - we never had an issue getting the app of docs because we weren't pitching them, we used the consultive sales approach. Sometimes speaking in third party -and to this day 5 years later i have old clients calling me asking whom to call to get MCA's, and thats because we spoke to them like real people and not some guy calling, reading from a script and didn't understand the industry that the potential borrower was in therefore couldn't speak to them on a level playing field.

Just today a broker called me looking for leads - so i reached out to a pizza chain with about 50 units that was a customer of mine and said exactly this,

" Hey Jim, Jerry Starr - I know its been a while since we last spoke and im sure you've already blown thru that $2M i got you several years ago, i have a broker that works for me that will be calling today cause im sure something has come up and you might need more cash..... he said - As a matter of fact i was just thinking about that, please have him call me.." the broker called and got the app.

This is an easy business, most people over think it and are trying to hard. your Selling money, and everyone needs it you just need to help them understand what they need it for.........

Sell or Be Sold, when you hang up the phone with the client, one of you won the battle, either you sold them or they sold you on why its not a good time....