Quote Originally Posted by Ben Shabat View Post
I'm not sure what makes Micah think this guy Matt's question was a "seeded" post.. or where he came to understand that "Become is a co-broker for 50% profit-share."

1. Become is not a co-broker. Become is an online lending marketplace that uses proprietary technology to drastically ease and speed up the business loan application process, and match businesses more accurately with the lenders that fit their needs the best.

2. As far as the 50% profit share scheme as Micah speculated, I won't get into specific numbers but it's certainly far from 50%.

I won't waste the energy going back and forth with him here - but I'd like to set the record straight for anyone else interested in learning more about Become that, in fact, no it's not a co-broker for 50% profit-share as Micah Markowitz theorized.
Ben Shabat, I will apologize, perhaps I was mistaken. I did sign up because I wanted to know what the platform was about, and it looks interesting indeed, but I am sure that I saw a 50% somewhere there. I'll be honest, I don't see it now. Is that only if we hand over the file to you do deal with, then it becomes a cobroker situation? Because I know you do offer that option.