Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
Ok, I have to tap out on this one... For the life of me, I can't comprehend with out a shadow of a doubt that I mis-comprehended your statement.

You mind breaking that statement down?

I've heard of the game Second Life, but I have never actually played or spent the time looking into it or learning about it.. I think it's like the 1990's Sim City but with better graphics...???

Now Sim City, that was the ****! I recall many days spent building out my sim city plan using the cheat code so I had unlimited funds, then when everything is zoned and infrastructure layed, turning the city on in fast mode and watch people move in, build skyscrapers, be awarded monuments, etc!!! Man that was fun...
The Office, Season 4, Episode 9.

Find it on Peacock, enjoy the laugh & thank me later.

This was all in good fun/humor.