So I have found a manufacturer of industrial 3D Scanners who has taken the time to create an entire learning center that breaks down the entire process and equipment needed to create 3D scans! OMG what a wealth of info they have provided! I tell my kids, that just about anything they want to know is out on the internet, and the most important skills they can learn in school is Reading with Comprehension, and Critical Thinking & Problem Solving. Here is an example of that.. I have never used a 3D scanner, but within a few months, I could be well versed enough in the field to start a 3D Scanning service if I wanted to..

If the metaverse is coming, there will be a **** load of 3d scanning needed.. I think having this know how could only benefit my retail business and other business that I provide tech support for.

Down the rabbit hole I go...

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