Yes... There are multiple ISO's that are missing money in this situation so if the thought process was this is just a Splash commission payment dispute that's not accurate. Aside from that commission we are missing money from our syndication and other deals commissions from other funders than Splash. So if the issue was receipt of the Splash payment alone, the other money would be paid out to us, along with the other ISO's involved. I can respect that outsiders looking in might think things escalated rather quickly on this post. But the fact is we have been completely silent for weeks working with SBL in an effort to resolve the issue. Ryan has personally been speaking with me on a daily basis all month about the issue doing what I felt was everything in his power to get it resolved. Stories had changed a few times, but what was consistent is Ryan being transparent about what was being told to him by James. I know there were multiple conversations between the two of them where Ryan was trying to get our money sent any way he could for the syndication at minimum. And I know Ryan asked many times for a bank statement to verify they had not received a payment from Splash but James never provided it to us. At this point I feel like Ryan should be stepping aside so James can explain directly to the ISO's involved in this mess what is plan is to resolve the many issues.