Quote Originally Posted by Global Factors View Post
How much is TLO?
If you run a "comprehensive" business or person search, those can get very pricey -- something like $10-20/each if I remember correctly. You don't need to run comprehensive searches though, that's just a money-making gimmick IMO. Just run the gauntlet of individual searches, most of which don't produce any "hits". I pay $1 per search that comes up with a "hit" ($0 charge if there's no "hit"). For example, enter their SSN, search personal liens, business liens, personal judgments, business judgments, criminal search, UCC's, US businesses, etc. Most of the time you'll run a dozen searches and only hit on a couple of the searches. You'll save yourself a lot of money by adding only a few more clicks. You also aren't paying a premium for a "comprehensive" report that includes blank sections that you could have paid nothing for if there was no hit.