Quote Originally Posted by MCA View Post
For those that have been in the industry long enough, when all we had were CC splits in 2007 - 2008, then some ach products came out in 2009 - 2010, they were set up exactly like this. Merchant signs up via decision logic, or provides view only access to their bank account or any other type of access for the funder to see daily deposits, then funder debits the agreed upon % based off of the daily rev, just like a CC split but all rev is included.

We tried this back in 2008, it was a lot of work (manually) at the time but I am sure there are algorithms and software available now that could make this a lot easier.

This method also keeps it as a true MCA, as you are debiting based off of % of revenue and not a set daily payment which most look at like a loan rather than MCA.

If Fundkite has the system to handle this, then good for them. I would think weekly and Monthly repayments would be much easier to handle but daily can be done.
I agree if they can handle this type of labor intensive task, good for them, sounds like a nightmare to me logistically speaking. but then again my name is not Alex Shvarts