Catacumbas 5 - Church in Anasco PR.
Current Appraised value $5.3 Million CBRE
Needing 4.0 million or 75% LTV
Financials show $1.2 million budget
Presently paying 25,000.00 in rent until purchase completed
Willing to take a 5 year loan with ability to refinance with no pre penalty
Church has invested over $500,000.00 in capital improvements
Excellent credit rating

PHA for profit school – Orlando, Florida
Current appraised value $1.5 million thorough Chase bank
School in need of $900,000.00 loan to pay off bank
Willing to take a 5 year bridge loan
Yearly financials $1.7 million income
Excellent credit rating

Church of God of Prophecy NE District
They have 2 projects totaling 1.5 million
$400,000.00 in NJ and 1.1 remodel in Long Island
Strong financials and over 12 million in assets
The district office will guarantee the loan
Willing to receive a 3 million dollar line of credit to loan internally to their churches
Excellent credit rating

Lighthouse International Church – Port St. Lucie, Florida
Seeking $1.8 million dollar loan
$580,000.00 for refi balance and $1.3 million new construction
As-Is value 1.5 million subject to value after new construction $3.2 million
Yearly Financials $425,000 annually
Excellent credit rating